Chapter 3

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Bradley's POV*

While I was walking inside Jake came up to me.

"Did you ask? Does she like?" I say anxiously

"She's in love with you." he says.

"YEEESSSSSSS!!" I'm so happy.

"I have an idea."  Peyton C. says walking up to us

"Yeah, I'll make sure you and Sabrina kiss." Jake says.

"No I don't want my first kiss with her to not be because of a dare." I say cause its true.

"Ok fair enough." They say.

"Dude, you and Sabrina should come with me and Piper like a double date." Jake says.

"Ok I'll ask." I say.

I walk over to Sabrina, she's talking to the girls. I think they're talking about us cause I heard one of them say 'the guys'.

"Hey Sabrina." I say to her

"Hey Brads." She says smiling.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date with Piper and Jake." I say scratching the back of my neck.

She looks at Piper and she nods with a smile.

"Bradley, I'd love to." She said and we both smiled and blushed.

"Great, uh...we were going to play truth or dare, wanna join?" I ask.

"Yeah let's go." She says grabbing my hand.

"Then what are we waiting for." I said.

We walk in and Rowan goes first.

"Sabby-Cat truth or dare?" She asks smirking.

"We all know I always do dare." B says.

"Ok, I dare you and Bradley to kiss." She says smirking. Sabrina and I look at each other and quickly lean in and kiss. That kiss turns into a make out session. We pull apart smile and blush. So many sparks when we kissed. I had butterflies and sparks all together.

Sabrina's POV*

When me and Bradley kissed, I felt so many sparks.  That made me like him even more. I can't wait till tomorrow. After everybody had a turn, I suggested we watched a movie.

"Romantic Comedy" us girls say.

"Horror" the boys says.

"Fine horror." We girls say.

"If were watching horror I need a partner I hate scary movies I always get scared." I say.

"We'll be partners." Bradley says.

"Thanks." I say.

We decide on watching Nightmare on Elm Street. That one scares me the most. When it got to a really scary part, I hid in Bradley's. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt so safe. When the move ended, I heard a ding from my phone. It was Instagram and Twitter. Someone tagged me. On Instagram it was a collage of three pictures of Me and Bradley. One I was on his back, two I was laying on his chest with his arms around me, and in the third we were kissing. The caption said '#Brabrina?'. I looked on Twitter i5 was a tweet it read ' I totally 100% ship #Brabrina' and they tagged me and Bradley I favorited it. I put my phone down and we watched another movie. I love these people.

Bradley's POV*

Half way through the movie I look at Sabrina and see that she's sleeping on my chest. I smile and continue watching till I also fell asleep. Today was a good day.

Together Forever?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon