Chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the plot and the original characters. Pjo and BOO is owned by Uncle Rick.


"Hiya! Hiya!" She swung her two axes in the forest. "Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!" (Fiona in Adventure Time anyone? No? Okay.)

"Hiiiiiya!" Her axe went flying to a tree. And missed. A dull metallic thunk was heared before her axe fell to the ground. She moved closer and saw some...thing...on a branch. It looked like some type of projector and is made of celestial bronze, but since her throw was pretty powerful, it managed to make a small dent on the surface. A teeny weeny dent with a tiny crack where the blade hit.

"Oops..." She winced. She looked around wildly, before picking up her axe and running away.


Annabeth ran through the door, her eyes panicked. "Percy!"

"What?!" Percy stood, almost panicking himself, and took out his pen. "What? What happened? Is something wrong?!"

Annabeth gripped her hair. "Is something wrong? Of course there's something wrong! Some of my blueprints are stolen!"

Percy relaxed. "Oh."

"Oh?! What do you mean oh?! My blueprints are stolen! Stolen! My precious blueprints!" Annabeth wailed.

"Relax, Annabeth. It's probably just some prank by the Hermes cabin." Percy said soothingly, trying to calm the daughter of Athena.

She waved her hands. "But that's not possible! They already learned their lesson from the last they did that!"

Percy hummed. "You're right." He thought back of how many Hermes campers were sent to the infirmary that day. They were truamatized.

"And this!" Annabeth waved a piece of paper. "I do'nt know any Hermes campers that has an initial of K.A.V." She said as Percy took the paper and read it aloud.

"We stole your blueprints. You can get them by the clues I give you.

Glowing embers
Burning papers
Liquid fire
Hurry or it will burn what you desire

Good luck suckers! -K.A.V."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "Oookay....what kind of rhyme is that? It even has an evil smiley face at the end." He moved to sit on his bed, staring at the paper.

"Well, I guess we have no choice but to go with it." Annabeth sighed heavily and collapsed next to him. She had calmed down a little and is staring moodily at the ceiling.

Until she quickly sat up. "Wait! Liquid fire! Lava! We need to go to camp!"

"And by 'burning papers' and the last line, we need to hurry." Percy said as he picked up his dark blue jacket.

"Mom we'll go to camp for a while!" Percy called as they ran out.

"Okay! Be safe!" She called back.

"No promises!" He grinned.

"Bye, Sally!" Annabeth shouted while they ran to the roof.

Percy let out a loud New York taxi whistle. It echoed in the air, seeming to reach far away. They stood for a while, until a niegh was heared from above. A pitch black horse with huge wings swooped down.

Percy grinned. "Blackjack!"

'What up boss! Ya got some donuts?'

"Sorry Blackjack. We gotta go to camp, and fast. We got a problem." Percy swung on his back and helped Annabeth get on.

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