You Have Been Warned...

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Pete's POV

I found myself in a new world.
It wasn't anything like London, more colorful and flamboyant. More like California, but there was no people just me and my thoughts.
I felt free as a bird and I wish I could have tasted this freedom before. But don't get me wrong... I do love being with The Who and being able to express my feelings through my songs, but I just don't get enough privacy because of the fans and the press.
"Hello", I heard someone say. I looked around and saw nobody. "Is anybody there? Hello?" I looked into the sky and saw a cloud coming towards me. I didn't do anything because it was just a cloud, it can't hurt me. When it reached the ground, I saw a man with flashing eyes and glittery hair.
"Hello Peter Dennis Blandford Townshend... I'm Godfather!", he said in a powerful voice. "Godfather? You're not my godfather are you?"
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not... just kidding my name is Godfather, but you can call me THE Godfather."
"Uhh ok... But how do you know my name? Even my middle name?" He walked closer to me.
"I know everything about you, Pete... I'm in your dream for pete's sake!" He started laughing at his own joke. I looked at him quite annoyed. "I get it, I get it... but why are you here? I wanted to be free and all alone in my dream."
"Well sorry for ruining your dream Princess Pete! Look... I'm here to warn you that something bad is going to happen at that Christmas party you're having at your house!"
"What's gonna happen?", I asked worried.
"You are going to get drunk and get in some fight-"
I interrupted him. "Probably with Roger.. We always get into fights! So what?"
He looked at me confused. "No no no! With a wizard, the Pinball Wizard! And he's going to turn you into an egg!" He paused waiting for my reaction.
I was trying to be serious, but I couldn't hold it much longer. I started to laugh so hard. "A Pinball Wizard? He's just a made up character from my album Tommy! And he's going to turn me into... an egg? Preposterous!" I started to walk away from this crazy man.
"But he's real! Pete I know it sounds stupid but it's true... please believe me or your life will be ruined!"
I turned around at him. "Look, just leave me alone. Stop telling me your made up stories and stop acting like a complete imbecile!"
"Pete, please stop acting like a punk and just believe me!!!", he yelled.
"Fuck off my fucking dream!" I hit him with my guitar so hard he went high into the sky and was gone in an instant.
You have been warned...
Those were the last words I heard from that crazy man.
"Well that's more like it!", I said relieved. Then everything started to go away, and I found myself in my bedroom. "Good morning Pete.", Karen said. "Good morning love."

You have been warned...
Those words haunted me for the rest of the day.

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