The Gang's All Here!

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The man with the mustache was eating the donut like a pig and just as I was about to say something, his mustache fell off!

He didn't notice his mustache falling off his face and he continued on eating. The man next to him gasped and he hit him on the shoulder.

Tommy laughed and picked up his mustache. "Here's your mustache s-s-sir?" He stopped and looked at him.
"Oh my lord y-you're..."

"KEITH!" I interrupted him.

Keith looked around the room. "Who said that?" Tommy looked down at me and grabbed me from his front pocket. He showed me to Keith and John.

"Lads I'm so happy to see you!" I said cheerfully. Keith and John's mouths were opened wide, and I think I saw a bug fly into Keith's mouth.

"Oh my god..." John said taking off his sunglasses. Keith was spitting out the big that flew in his mouth. "The Godfather was right, you're an egg! I feel bad for doubting him..." John said putting his hand behind his neck.

"The Godfather? He's alive?!" I said completely shocked but happy at the same time.

"Yeh Roger saw him falling off the sky and saved him. He then told us he knew you." Said John.

"Where is he, did he come with you?"

"He's the one who brought us here... ON A CLOUD!" Keith licked the donut icing off his fingers. "He'll be down here in a few seconds."

Keith wanted to carry me. "May I?" He asked Tommy.
"Of course, he's your guitarist!"

I have a bad feeling about this...

"This is Commander Moonie. Peter Townshegg are you ready for take off?"
He started to count down. "10,9,8,7,6..."
"Wait. W-what are you doing? Keith!"
He didn't listen and continued on counting down. "5,4,3..2...1...Blast off!"
"Keith John Moon you better stop what you're doINGGG!"

The next thing I knew, I was in mid air. 
I nearly touched the ceiling, it felt fun until I started to go down.
"KEITH CATCH MEEE!" I was getting closer and closer to the floor.

Then everything was dark, I couldn't see anything.
Is this the end? Am I dead? I didn't even get to experience the 70s!

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of laughter and relief.

It wasn't dark anymore, but I felt dazed and confused.

I was in Keith's hands. "Pete I caught ye! If I can catch me drumsticks, then I can catch an egg!"

"Don't... Ever... Do that... Again!"
God I felt like throwing up.

"You shoulda just told me not to do it in the first place! Gosh Peter!" He said with a funny smile on his face.

Oh Keith, you'll never stop being a child won't you? I chuckled and shook my head.
But that's what I love about him, it's like he ages backwards.

"I'm gonna get Roger!" Keith passed me to John.
After that, John, Tommy, and I had a small conversation. The Doctor joined in not long after. Rex was sleeping on the floor this whole time.

Then, the elevator opened revealing three people. Kevin, Sally, and the Godfather!

When they got out of the elevator, they all had confused looks on their faces.

"Look who I have here." John walked proudly to the Godfather and held me close to his face.

He had a big smile on his face and let out a relieved sigh. "Pete! Thank god you're alive and you're not breakfast!"

"And you're not dead!" I said and the Godfather carried me in his hands.

He then looked at Tommy and Doc. "Tommy! Doc! Long time no see!" He laughed. "So you're the ones who helped Pete get here along with Kevin and Sally?"

They nodded their heads. Roger and Keith walked in the room and Roger was overwhelmed by all these people.
"Look at all the crowd!" He smiled nervously.

Keith and John lead him to me and the Godfather. "We found him, look."
Roger was speechless. He looked at John, then at Keith, then at the Godfather, then me... And it kept going like that for about a minute.

He finally spoke up. "I can't believe it. Do my eyes deceive me?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Roger, I think you need to lay down." John lead him to the couch by the receptionist.

Everyone talked to one other and starting to get to know each other better. It was REALLY loud in the lobby now. Finally, the receptionist payed attention and said something.
"Excuse me! Can you all have your family reunion somewhere else?" She then went back to her work immediately.

We all headed outside and decided to go all together to find the Pinball Wizard.

"TO THE PINBALL WIZARD!" I said loud and cheerful.

We all followed the Godfather and sang cheerful songs along the way to keep us moving.

Keith and John were telling jokes and played with Rex sometimes. Kevin and Sally were having small chats, and of course Kevin was blushing. Tommy and Roger were comparing each other's looks. The Godfather and Doc were thinking of a plan to get in the wizard's dungeon without getting caught.

And me? Well, I was just happy and looking at these different, amazing people (and dog). I smile when I look at all of them, my friends, my second family. They all wanted to come to this journey because they care about me...

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it took so long for me to update :-(
I just finished my first week if high school and I won't be updating on the weekdays just the weekends. Again, I would like to apologize but hey, don't blame me blame school LOL

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