Pinball Prisoners

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Pinball Wizard's POV
"What's on the telly today?" I was surfing through the channels with a large bowl of pinball popcorn on my lap.

"Newest Invention! - And now, the Brady Bun- The Beatles New Album!- Eat at McDonal- Breaking News: Where are The Who?"


I stopped at BBC News. The four members were last seen after Christmas and are nowhere to be found. Family, friends, and fans are worried sick. Here behind me are young fans marching around London. "We want The Who! We want The Who!" Fans have been marching for days and hopefully the four boys could be found and returned home.

This is music to my ears. Haha! These fans will never see The Who ever again. Once my flying squirrels bring them and their friends, they will be the first to try out my bottomless pit!

Next to me we have Pete Townshend's wife, Karen Townshend and daughter, Emma. How are you feeling about all of this?

Pete's wife looked down for 5 seconds and then finally spoke up.

"Not so well, I really miss Pete... I got a letter from him saying he will come back soon. But now I'm really worried because the day after I got the letter, his band mates also disappeared."
I'm really sorry Karen, hopefully the authorities will find them. I wish you and Emma good luck. Before we head up to a commercial, do you have anything else to say?

Karen nodded her head and politely took the microphone away from the news reporter.

"Pete, Keith, John, Roger... if any of you guys are seeing this, I just want to tell you guys to stay safe. I don't want any bad things happening to you... You see all these fans? They need you. We all need you, especially me; Pete, I love you so much honey. I hope you're in good hands... but please... please come back. We miss you being here with us."

She gave the microphone to the news reporter and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Why that was so sweet. Your words were touching. Thank you, Karen and Emma. Now this was the end of this issue, later we will reveal the weather forecast and more news. We will be back after the break.

I stared at the TV screen thinking about what I just heard.
"I hope you're in good hands?" I was cracking up so hard and then fell off the couch.

He is in good hands, literally! Someone has to carry him since he doesn't have any legs!

I turned the volume down on the telly when I heard loud screeching noises coming from outside. I ran to the window and saw what I wanted to see for a while... The flying squirrels followed my directions. Finally!

I quickly turned off the TV and prepared the bottomless pit potion. I took off my Magical Mystery Tour T-Shirt and quickly changed into my magic robe and hat. I threw the popcorn out the window and then closed the doors in case they tried to escape.

Pete's POV
Don't look down Peter! Don't look down! I said to myself as the squirrels were flying us to the Pinball Wizard.

Hasn't he done enough??

As we were getting closer, I see that Keith and the squirrel that took him made it inside the castle window, followed by John, Doc, Roger, and Tommy. Next was Rex, growling at the squirrel, and behind him was Kevin and Sally.

Then it was me and the Godfather.

Once we came through the window, all I can see is darkness and the smell of something burning. The room was humongous, but not very appealing. The floor was dusty, there was weird revolting green stuff in the floor; which looked like big chunks of gum. Spider webs were hanging from the corners of the ceiling, books and ripped pages unorganized everywhere...

"Why does he live in a dump?" I said out loud. One of the squirrels growled at me to shut up.

"May you please let us go?" Tommy said. "You squirrels need to take a bath!"

The squirrels didn't pay attention and looked across the room.

Let them go. A low voice said.

And they did. We were free! But that was until the man appeared to be the Pinball Wizard. Oh how I wish I was back to normal so I can run up to him and give him a knuckle sandwich!

The Pinball Wizard chuckled and clapped slowly. "You squirrels have done well! Here's an acorn for all of you!" He threw a big fat acorn on the floor and in a blink of an eye, the squirrels jumped and attacked it all at once. They pushed the acorn to another room and went after it.

I whispered to the Godfather. "Let's go find the potion, they're gone." The Godfather nodded his head and ran as fast as he could to the potion, along with the others. But that's when the Pinball Wizard noticed us and zapped us with his wand, chanting a weird spell.

The next thing I knew, I was in a small cage. And everyone else was tied up together in a rope. Great. Just great...

"Fuck you!" Kevin said to the Pinball Wizard. Everyone else was trying to find a way to cut the big rope, but their hands were also tied. Not even Rex could bite the ropes, they were too thick and strong.

"This is my magical rope! You like?" He pinched Sally's cheek, making her scoff and truly disgusted.

But then I noticed someone was missing. There's the Godfather, tied up next to him is Doc, then John and Roger, Tommy, Kevin, Rex, and Sally...

I gasped. Where the fuck is Keith?

That's when I saw him on the ground trying to get up. He was groaning and coughing.

"Keith! Help us!" Roger said quietly.

Keith was still struggling, but then got up slowly trying to balance. Seconds later, he ran to help the others and tried to untie the rope.

"This rope is bleeding strong!" He complained. Then he looked across the room at a table. He smiled and ran to it. Then, he came back with a large sword.

"Don't kill us aye?" John said.

But then, we heard fast footsteps. "Trying to escape huh?" The Pinball Wizard and Keith looked at each other, both shocked. "How did you escape?"

Keith didn't say anything and just ran. The Pinball Wizard pulled out his wand and tried zapping Keith a lot of times, but missed.

"I'm going to kill you little boy!" The Pinball Wizard said to Keith.
But Keith was still full of energy and didn't stop running. He knocked books and some potions over, causing the Pinball Wizard to slip and fall. He lost his magic wand in the pile of books.

Keith laughed and sticked his tongue out at him like a child.

The Pinball Wizard's face was red, full of anger. He got up quickly and attacked Keith, pushing him close to the window. The wizard was yelling out his anger and Keith's innocent eyes became wider.

Keith was trying to push the wizard back, but he wasn't strong enough to go against a really furious wizard.

And the sad thing is that we couldn't help him because we were trapped...

"Goodbye Keith Moon!" The Pinball Wizard said and punched him in the face, making Keith unconscious. And to end this chaos, the Pinball Wizard pushed Keith out the window.

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