Egg Problems

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Pete's POV
I woke up with a big yawn. What a wonderful morning. The sun is up, the sky is blue. It's beautiful and so are you... Yes, the song Dear Prudence was stuck in my head. Don't judge.

We had a difficult time finding the Pinball Wizard's home. The only person who knows where he lives is the Godfather... but he's gone. But I'm not going to give up yet. With some help from my new friends, I think I'll be able find that bleeding wizard.

Last night, we decided to spend the night at Kevin's house. I'm so glad he isn't a bully anymore... if he still was, I'll be breakfast. But he still had a little bit inside of him. For example, last night he wouldn't let me go to sleep. He kept singing a creepy version of Do You Think It's Alright.

Do you think it's alright?
To leave the egg with Cousin Kevin?
Do you think it's alright?
I think he's going to crack or eat him for breakfast, do you think it's alright?
Yes I think it's alright, yes I think it's alright...

And then he would laugh non stop. Ugh such a child.

So now I'm awake and ready to start the day. I rolled to the kitchen and found Kevin and Doc eating bowls of cereal for breakfast. Rex was chewing on a bone.
I rolled to the bathroom as fast as I could so they wouldn't notice me. Thank god they didn't, I needed some alone time.

I looked at myself in the mirror and stared quietly. "Where are you, Pete Townshend? All I see is an egg with a big nose..." I sighed.

Oh how I miss being a human! Being able to eat with HANDS. The damn wizard could have at least turned me into a dog like Rex! But an egg? Are you fucking serious? There are so many problems being an egg.

Problem #1: You stink. Have you smelled an egg? I have to deal with the revolting smell. The egg scent follows me everywhere.

Problem #2: You are 2000x more sensitive. Someone can crack and kill you in seconds. If you crack, you're gone. Bye bye Egg! Good thing the crack on my head wasn't big enough to hurt me.

Problem #3: Since an egg is small, you have to eat in very tiny proportions. I hate it. I love eating a lot of food, but now I feel like I'm on a diet.

Problem #4: And like I've said before, you can't walk or grab things. You have to roll to get to places but rolling too much can give you a headache, believe me... it's painful.

Those are SOME problems of becoming an egg. So I recommend you not to become an egg... if you have the power to or if you wished upon a star or something. Just don't do it. And try to avoid a cruel wizard. Unless you want to be miserable for the rest of your life.

"Alright, I think I'll go and say good morning to them"

Life of an EggOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora