Chapter 7

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Carlisle talked to Sam about us having a cook out with the whole pack so that way I could actually meet my mates and they could meet me. We were actually in the process of finishing setting everything up when we could here the wolves coming.

"I can't wait until you meet everyone. I hope your Seth's' imprint!" Renesmee said really happy and excited.

"Why do you say that?" I asked perplexed why she wanted this exact wolf to be my mate.

"Well...He's really nice and was the first one of the wolves to actually be nice and understanding with our family. Oh I hope you don't mind that I said our. Its just that...."

"You don't have to be sorry I think of you all as family anyway. Any family of Jazzy is family to me...Same with friends. By the way I'm really happy that you think of me as family already."

"Well you are family one way or another Snow. I hoped that you knew that. I think that I speak for all of us when I say that despite the small amount of time you were here we do think of you as family." Carlisle said.

All the Cullens nodded agreeing with him with a smile on their face.

"See nothing to worry about Snow." Jasper said.

"Thank you all of you." I said happy that I had found not only my brother but also a family that accepted me so quickly.

When the wolves reached us Carlisle meet them and talked to Sam before he gestured for me to come over. As soon as I started to walk over Jasper walked right behind me with a protective hand on my shoulder.

"Snow this is Sam, Jared, Embry, Jacob, Quil, Brady, Collin, Leah, Seth, and Paul."

No sooner did he say their names did they growl out mate. When they said that their heads snapped to face each other and a look of fright passed between them.

"Wi.. Will you accept both of us?" Seth asked me with his head lowered and his voice shaking scared that I wouldn't.

I ran up to them both and hugged them.

"Of course I will accept you both your my mates. We were made for each other..all of us. Honestly I was scared that you wouldn't accept me since you had each other and since I'm kind of part vampire."

"We would never reject you. Your our mate." Paul growled out.

"Well I'm happy that you found your mates Sis. Oh and if you hurt my sister I will hunt you down and kill you." Jasper said.

"Oh leave them alone Jasper don't you remember how we were?" Alice asked causing Jasper to growl loudly expressing his dislike.

"Alice your not helping and Jasper Whitlock Hale you should know that I wouldn't do that so soon. I literally just meet them."

"I know, but just the thought that you ever would...Your my innocent  sister... My innocent little sister. You... I...It just won't happen. Never ever ever will that happen."

"What ever you say Jazz."

"I'm not joking Snow. Your not allowed to."

"I said okay."

"No you said whatever. That's not the same as okay."

"Ugh Alice get your mate before I decapitate him and leave him to reconnect himself again."

"Okay Jasper I think you got your point across." Alice rushed out getting him away from me and a smile knowing that I wouldn't actually do that.

"Well lets celebrate!" Renesmee yelled excited that one of my mates actually was Seth.

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