Chapter 2

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Waiting outside for me are my friends Fiona, Max, Sophie, and Grea. Max and Fi are dating and so are Sophie and Grea. So its kind of weird but, we are all really close. And plus. I've already given them all the If-You-Hurt-The-Other-I-Will-Kill-You lecture anyway. So its ok. Once they hear the quiet purr of the Shadow they all begin to cheer. I lift an eyebrow and toss my helmet and my padded jacket into my saddlebags and pull out my leather jacket. "Why are you guys so happy to see me?"

"Dumby! Did you already forget?!" I give my best friend Fi a blank look. "We are celebrating your birthday because no one was here to celebrate it on the actual date." My birthday was last week on July 7.

"Oh, I know that. Still doesn't explain why you are all so happy to see me though." They all laugh, I love making people laugh. But I don't trust this laugh. I give them all a suspicious look, "What did you- AHHH!" Hands grab my shoulders and I use the persons momentum to flip them over my back. Instantly I straddle the guy and pin his arms above his head. I look hard into my attackers eyes and scream again. This time from absolute and utter happiness.

My brothers normally breathy chuckle is even more breathy because I slammed him into the pavement and sat on his diaphragm like he taught me to do. "Hey Fireball. Whats up?"

I squeal and hug Stewart. "The sky of course!"

"Ahem, excuse us lovebirds, but the rest of us want to go inside now." Grea laughs and leads Sophie inside. I roll my eyes at Fi, she was the one who had spoken, and help Stewie up.

"Well you tell me when your older brother goes off to war so when he comes back as a surprise birthday present then I can tell you that your gross and he needs to go take a shower because he just touched you." My other friends do that middle school OOOOOOHHH noise. Like I dissed her so bad, when I actually kind of did, so I don't care. Fi sticks out her tongue at me and leads her hysterical boyfriend into the bar.

We sit at the huge booth in the back corner and order drinks. Fi and I are the only ones not drinking because she is actually still seventeen. Her birthday is August 25, a week after school starts. Everyone else is 21. Its kind of annoying, because I rode my bike here. If we can't get a cab I'm going to have to go get my dads car to drive everyone home. But I don't care. I love my friends, and I'm kind of stuck with loving my brother, eh whatever.

The night flys by and before we know it its 11 o'clock. Almost time for curfew, but I'm eighteen now. So I send my dad a text. "Hey dad, I'm going to stay out a little later that ok? I mean I am eighteen now. So its not like you can punish me anyway. ;)"

His reply is, "I know have fun and no alcohol. I know your eighteen, but your not 21 yet. So no drinks."

"Yes daddy."

"Good." With that I put my phone in my pocket and look up to see my friends all with their hands on their noses.

Fi talks slowly, as if shes afraid I would do something. "We did a nose goes."

"Shit. You guys suck."

Max pipes up, unable to keep his lousy mouth shut like always, and says, "What do we suck?"

I lift my eyebrow at him in a look that conveys the expression "Really?" So I say without hesitation, "Do you have something to tell us Max? You know that we will support you no matter what right? You know that we will love you even if you want to do the dirty with another man."

"Do you have a snappy comeback for the framing and drywalling guy?"

"Shut up Soph." She throws her hands up and I stick my tongue out at all of them and walk away smiling.

I slam my hands on the bar and order our drinks. "You 21 yet?""

"No, but I'm ordering for my friends, and I'm the designated driver. That ok?"

"Sure. Coming right up." I thank him and lean my back against the bar. Looking over I see a guy that had been here longer than my friends and I have, and had had a lot more drinks than what we have ordered. His head is laying on the table and his arms are laying haphazardly around it. A few glasses, that I assume are his, are knocked over.

"Hey, you ok dude?" I reach out slowly with my hand to gently shake his shoulder. However, just before my fingers even graze his jacket, I'm suddenly looking into a pair of light grey eyes and a hand grips my wrist tightly. From the suddenness of it all I squeak. I actually squeak. "Oh. I'm sorry I was just wondering if I should call you a cab. You seemed to have had too much to drink." But looking into his light grey eyes I couldn't see any trace of the alcohol he drank during the night.

He scoffs and releases my wrist. "Do the world a favor and stop sticking your nose into other peoples business. And don't outright check someone out while your talking to them. Its rude and makes you look desperate." but even while he is talking his astonishing eyes visually rape me.

My jaw drops and my cheeks redden as his words roll over me. I straighten my spine, lock my jaw, and stare into those beautiful eyes and say, "Oh, I'm sorry. Your right. Had you been drunk I should have given you the keys to your car and let you drive home, then the world would really appreciate the favor I did for it. I allowed this hypocritical visual rapist, who should really take his own advice, to go and kill himself because he was drunk and driving." I know its a harsh thing to say, but my name is Blaze for a reason.

The anger I feel makes my actions rough and sharp, so I turn around and grab the drinks the bartender gave me and spin back around right smack dab into the not-really-drunk-butt-head, dropping the drinks and bouncing off his chest into the broken glass on the floor. "Ah shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. Ow, fuck, shit, damn-it." The glass slides into my soft hands like butter.

"Are you alright?" Ugh no, not that guy, anyone but that guy. I slowly bring my eyes up to his, taking the time I have now to check him out. Dude would be a great butterfly swimmer, like how the holy hell how does one get abs like those. Everything about his body is sharp and defined, it kind of explains why I bounced off his chest. Everything about him is defined, everything but his face. His face is soft, it still has its hard edges, like his cheekbones and his nose. But everything else is soft, and kind. Even in those hard eyes, something nice and sweet is buried deep in them. Behind years of hate and no emotion.

Despite what I see, the potential of kindness, I'm still pissed off at him. "Wow, bipolar much?"

"Well I deserve what you said before and that too, so yeah. I guess I am."

"Screw you, I don't need your help. Whats your problem anyway?" I get up, struggling not to use my hands and to avoid more glass shards.

"Long story short, I'm not going to tell you. But I'm going to help you even if you don't want it. So give me your hands and I'll buy you a drink."

"Uh huh. Very tempting Casanova, but I'm going to have to say no. I'm not the type of girl to ditch her friends at the cat-call of a hot guy that I don't know." His eyebrows raise, and I give him a look that suggests "do you deny my statement?", and he throws up his hands in surrender.

"Well, my name is Nikoli Spasitel. Whats yours?"

"Blaze Drayfus." I say straight faced. Expecting some form of surprise and or mocking. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he did mock me.

"There. Now we aren't strangers anymore."

"Nice try, but its not not knowing somebody's name that makes them strange, its the not knowing anything else about them that does." I start to pick at my hands to get the glass out, "But then again I'm not really one to talk because I'm always stran-AH!" A piece of glass in my left hand by my ring finger shifts.

"Stop!! You need to go to the hospit-"

"OHMYGOSHBLAZEAREYOUOK?!?!?!" I cringe as Sophie squeals in my ear from behind me. I had been so lost in my conversation with Nikoli that I didn't hear her come up.

I turn around slowly and blink at how close she is to me, but before I can speak everyone else comes rushing at me. Asking me if I'm alright and what happened, they suffocate me and press in on me. I look to try and find Nikoli but he is already walking out of the door. As he opens the bar door, he looks back at me, with the most sad expression on his face, but then he smiles devilishly and struts out of the bar, head held high.

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