Chapter 4

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I lay there blinking for a moment. Trying to wrap my head around what the hell just happened. My phone buzzes again, scaring the shit out of me in the process. Knowing that it was probably one of my friends or my family, and not really wanting to talk to any of them, I turn my phone off and throw it in my saddle bag. Somewhat satisfied I pull out of the parking lot and speed out of the city. I want to take the long way home.

Once I get to the backroads of the backroads, I slow down and leisurely make my way away from my house. Even back here it would only take thirty minutes to get home. I don't want to be back before two o'clock in the morning.

"When the Moon fell in love with the Sun
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night

When the Sun found the Moon
She was drinking tea out in a garden
Under the green umbrella trees
In the middle of summer

When the Moon met the Sun
He looked like he was barely hanging on
While her eyes saved his life
In the middle of summer

In the middle of summer
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night."
The song When the Day Met the Night comes on through my helmets wireless speakers, and I sing along with Panic! At The Disco's song. The lyrics hitting something inside me that they hadn't hit before. It made me feel like I was the Moon, and someone I met tonight is the Sun. I shake it off and yawn. I should probably head home. It's midnight and now I'm two hours away from home only if I book it.

I smile, spin around kicking up dust, and race home as fast as I can. Missing close calls with other drivers and scaring cattle still grazing in the fields late at night. Hills roll and dip as I roar past, tearing a hole in the quiet of the darkness. I feel as if I'm flying. Even more so than I do when I swim butterfly in races.

Two hours later I pull into the garage and sneak inside my house. Blessed silence greets me. No arguing at 2:30 A.M. I creep up the steps, carefully avoiding the squeaky ones, and slip into my room. Once the door is securely closed behind me, I sink to the floor and sigh aloud. Rolling around on the floor I change take my clothes off and stand up. Then I continue fumbling around in the dark until I find my pajama top and plop onto my bed. Utterly exhausted.

As sleep slowly takes over I hear the distant sound of rocks hitting my window, then my window actually opening a few moments later. I ignore it all, writing it off as my tired mind imagining things, and fall asleep. I already know that I am crazy enough to dream things up like that.

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