Chapter 3

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Without warning Stewart hefts me up and over his shoulder, I squeak again before I start to protest. "Oh hell no. Put me down right now." Everything else happens so fast that I can't recall any details.

I'm tossed into the backseat of someones car and five minutes later we are at an emergency hospital and the doctor wraps my hands in bandages after taking the glass out. Then we are standing in the lobby trying to figure out the best way to get everyone home. Some people are a little too tipsy to drive for anyones comfort, and I foolishly brought my motorcycle. Tired of being told that I can't drive myself home even when the doctor had said that it would be ok for me to drive it because I would be healed in a few days max, I get up and tell my friends that I'm going to the bathroom. Instead, I go outside and call a cab. Only when the cab pulls away from the curb do I send out a text in a group message, "Hey guys, I'm not dead in the bathroom or anything, I'm driving myself home. Love you guys!<3" This act of defiance isn't at all surprising for me, I do crap like this all the time.

When I get to the bar I pay the cab driver and walk around the corner to my bike. Once I do turn the corner I see a figure standing by my bike. My phone buzzes and Nikoli spins around with fake vampire teeth and make-up on his face. Like holy crap. I scream and bolt to the bar entrance before I realize that it was just Nikoli. I sigh and walk back to my bike. I see Nikoli laughing his ass off beside my bike. He is laughing so hard that he is even holding the handle bar of my bike to keep himself from falling over.

My eyes zero in on his hand gripping the handle. My eyes narrow and I hiss at him. "What the hell do you think your doing touching my bike?" In three seconds flat I have his arm twisted behind his back and his thumb bending in the most painful way. My hands are still sore so I adjust my hold a little to better accommodate them, and in that split second of vulnerability, Nikoli breaks out of my hold and is pushing my back against the wall with his elbow at my throat.

"A little piece of advice, Bee. Know who your fighting before you pick a fight."

"Oh, more advice from you. But, lemme give you some of my own," I bring my knee up hard into his groin and push back on his elbow, spinning him so that he is the one with the bricks eating at his back, and copying his move with my elbow at his throat. "Take your own advice." Before he can retaliate I back away and open my saddle bags to get my helmet and padded bike jacket. Once I've put them on I turn and look at Nikoli to say goodbye.

Before I can he speaks, "Well I can see what your talking about. But can I give you the piece of advice, since thats what we tend to do when we see each other, that I've given many times that always seems to work?"

"Sure." I smirk. He is kind of cool, I might give him my number if we run into one another again.

He smiles reassuringly, an instant later my head cracks onto the pavement and the road stares up at me. He brings his head down to my ear, "Life sucks, keep the helmet." I blink and Nikoli is gone.

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