Chapter 5

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What feels like seconds later a rough hand shakes my shoulder. "No, lemmmmee sleeeeep."

"Get your ass up before dad wakes up and rips you a new one." My covers are ripped from my body and a very "manly" sound comes from my assailant at the sight of my bare legs and torso. I know its my brother, who else would it be? I'm only in a top and I can feel the cold air on my stomach, because my shirt rode up while I slept. I smile wickedly. Serves him right for waking me up.

"Watch it be like noon." I mumble and roll over, trying to make myself feel a little better about my situation, but when I look at my alarm clock I shriek. "WHAT THE HELL!! IT'S FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!! I ONLY GOT HOME TWO HOURS AGO!!!"

"Well then thats your fault. You were the one who decided to stay out that late. Not me. Come on. We are working out. Now. And don't try to complain. You get up earlier for swim practice." I grumble and roll out of my bed. Not once sitting up. I then fall out of my bed and onto the floor, like I planned, and roll across the floor to my closet to grab my neon yellow tennis shoes. Only then do I stand up and rip my shirt off. My brother curses and I hear my bedroom door slam shut. I grin sleepily. I stumble to my dresser and grab my silver Batman tanktop, black running shorts, neon yellow hair ties, and black socks.

"Hurry up, or dad is gonna wake up and then you'll really have something to worry about." I roll my eyes but move faster none the less.  If my dad gets woken up before 6:30 he gets really pissed of, but add that to his already flaring temper and presto! You get a bear straight out of hibernation. Literally. His unshaven face and grizzly roar completes the comparison.

I race downstairs, already wide awake and rearing to go. "Come on jerk, lets get going." Stweie rolls his eye and hands me my yoga mat and Batman water bottle, then leads me outside.

"Fisrt we are going to do some yoga stretches, then we are going to run two and a half miles, with exercises every ten minutes, then we are going to do some pilates, and finally before our mile cool down run we will do weights."

"Screw you man. Why are you trying to kill me huh?"

"Screw you too lil' sis." With that Stewart flattens his yoga mat on the lumpy ground of our front yard and begins the stretching. Fifteen minutes later the real pain begins. We spend all morning, or so it seams, pushing our bodies to the limit. And by the end of it all we are both dead to the world.

My brother may pretend to be Ironman, but honestly Batman is so much better, and I'm not a freaking machine. My brother served in the Marines for two years before his leg was blown off in a land mine that had a late detonation. He sensed that something was wrong and pushed three of his fellow marines out of the way.  Its been two years since then, and he never lets it bother him or slow him down. My brother now helps with soldiers who have PTSD.  So I understand why he feels like Ironman sometimes. But Batman is still five million times better.

I drag my feet as I walk into my house, Stewie behind me doing the same. Together we plop down at the kitchen island and dig into the mysterious bowls of cereal and vanilla yogurt. We nod our heads at my father when he walks in. My father leans back onto the counter opposite of us and tries to glare at me, but the smile behind the scowl gives him away.

"Thanks for breakfast.' A few seconds roll by, "Are you mad at me daddy? Or are you just trying to be because that little rule book for dad's says that your supposed to be?"

"Yes, I am mad at you. But not really. I know I'm supposed to because of that handy dandy handbook, but for you? Lets face it, it wasn't that surprising." I shrug my shoulders and smile. Waiting for him to go on. "But if you ever want to do something like this again, please just tell someone beforehand."

"Yes daddy."

"Alright." He nods, pats his pockets, and walks slowly upstairs to his office. Stewie chuckles andI put m cereal bowl into the dishwasher, salute to him and sprint up the stairs to take a shower.

Afterwards I go to my room and turn on my music, put on my most comfortable sweatpants and my Fall Out Boy concert shirt, and begin my summer homework assignments I have before the start of school in the fall.

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