Pete who?

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"Dude I thought they would suck but they are pretty good what should I do?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I told you. This guy who commented on my website, remember him?"

"Pete its 3 am can we talk about this later?"

"Well I don't know Patrick, can we? Who knows what happens next. So how could I know if we actually can talk about this later."

"Pete .."

"No Patrick what if aliens destroy our world in the next two hours? I bet you would feel pretty bad about not talking to me now, then right?"

"Okay Pete first of all, I promise you aliens won't destroy our world. Not in the next two hours, not in the next two houndred years, never. And second of, if they would destroy our world, I'm pretty sure I would be dead so I couldn't really feel anything"

"You're totally missing the point dude"

"What point?"

"This boy I told you about. I asked for a demo so I could tell him how much he and his stupid band sucked, but they are actually pretty good. What should I do?"

"Well I don't know. Are they -I can't lie to them they are pretty good and I need to tell them-good or are they -I would like to meet them- good?"

"They are -I want to sign them- good"



"Well just call them. Make up a date and see what they are like"

"Okay. I will call them right now"

"Pete it's 3 am please don't call them right now"

"Ugh okay I will call them later"

"Good boy. Now go to bed"

"Okay daddy"

"- yeah don't call me that"

"Right. Goodnight"

"More like good morning"


"Oh my god Ryry why is he taking so long" it was two days ago now that Pete asked for a demo and Brendon hadn't stopped freaking out since then.

Ryan was tired of saying the same thing over and over again but apparently Brendon was not tired of hearing or ignoring it, so he said it again "Brendon it's been only two days will you calm down?"

"No I will not calm down. We are about to get famous do you not realize it?"

"We are not about to get shit Brendon calm your ass. Who says he wanted that demo so he could sign us? He's probably just trying to humiliate us right now" Jon hissed.

Brendon opened his mouth to sass back at Jon but right then Spencer came back with four boxes of pizza. Everybody grabbed their box and the friends ate in silence.

When everybody finished they settled down on the couch. Spencer finished his homework, Ryan and Brendon played guitar and Jon played a game on his nintendo.

"You know what" Jon said after a while. "If Wentz does not call us back by the end of this week we should contact some other label."

"He is a busy guy. What if he just had no time till now or even till the end of this week?" Spencer replied.

"No Spence. He asked for our demo so he should make up enough time to listen to it"

"Ryry is right" Brendon said.

"I told you to not call m-" his phone started ringing before he could finish.


"Hey this is Pete"

"Pete who?"

"Uh .. Pete Wentz.. You know the guy from Fall Out Boy. Uh am I talking to Ryan Ross?"

Ryan mentally smacked himself. Pete who? What.the.fuck. He was waiting for this call for two damn days. Which Pete did he expect it to be? He didn't even know anybody else called Pete. Great! Now Pete fucking Wentz didn't only think he was an arrogant ass. No! He also thought he was retarted. His thoughts were interrupted when Pete spoke again.

"Uh are you still there?"

"Yeah sorry" Ryan mentally smacked himself again. Come on Ross get your shit together!

"So uh am I talking to Ryan Ross?"

"Oh, yes sorry. Yes, it's me"

"Okay good. Well I'm just calling to say that I got your demo and I think you guys are pretty good. So what would you say to a meeting? We could talk about everything and get to know each other"

"Wait .. like a .. business meeting? Like you want to sign us?" Ryan's heart started beating so fast he was scared that Pete could actually hear it. His friends were all standing next to him trying to hear as much as possible by now.

"Well yeah we will see how it's going. But yes if everything goes well and we are on the same page I would love to work with you guys. So what do you say?"

"I say holy fucking god - I mean .. sure"

Brendon was grinning like a mad man and Spencer looked like he was about to puke, he was holding Jon's arm so tight, Ryan was sure he was cutting off his blood circulation.

Ryan only wanted to end this conversation, because he was about to faint and he didn't know how much he was able to say anymore.

"So yeah" Pete spoke again. "How does this friday at 3 pm sound?"

"It sounds fucking fantastic" Pete chuckled at that.

"I really like your humor Ryan"

Ryan didn't say anything at that, because he was not joking at all and because he was not sure if he actually could form a normal sentence.

Pete fucking Wentz just chuckled at something he said plus complimented his humor.

"Okay I will message you the adress. See you"

"Bye" as soon as he hang up Brendon began to shout and clap.

"Holy fuck what the fuck just fucking happend?" Jon asked in dibelief.

"Pete Wentz called us because he wants to sign us thats what just happend" Brendon shouted.

Ryan looked at his friends. He couldn't believe what happend. This had to be a dream. And as if Jon could read his mind he said "This better not be a dream, because I will cut a bitch when I wake up from this" they all laughed.

This seemed so surreal.

"We are going to be famous" there was something in Brendon's eyes that Ryan had never seen there before.

"We are going to be famous" Brendon said again, but this time it seemed like he said it more to himself.

Yes, Ryan thought, we are. Neither of them had a clue what that meant.

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