We thought we could wear something else than basketball shorts and hats for once

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Jon put the last bag into the car. "You have everything?"

"Yes." Brendon said.

"Then let's go." Ryan shouted from the driver seat of his car. The Tour didn't even start and he was already done with Brendon's bullshit.

They were all late because Brendon decided to pack his bags at the last possible moment. As soon as all the doors of the car were closed, Ryan hit gas. He didn't care if they forgot anything, they were a Rockband on Tour and not Boy Scouts for fucks sake! Ryan highly doubted that they would need any of the things they had packed.

"Can we listen to music?" Brendon asked from the passenger seat.

"No, somebody stole my car radio."

"So now we have to sit in silence?" Brendon asked, sounding grumpy already.

"It's not silence if you talk the whole time." Jon stated from the back seat.

"Funny." Brendon mumbled.

"Shut up and call Pete." Ryan said.

Brendon hit Ryan's arm- he actually hit his arm. "Stop talking to me as if I'm your fucking Sub."

Ryan almost pulled the car over into an other car at Brendon's words. The light turned red and Ryan was never more thankful for traffic lights in his whole life.

"What the fuck, Brendon?" Ryan said as soon as the car was standing.

Brendon seemed to be oblivious to the impact his words had. He was on his phone, probably looking for Pete's number. He looked up with a confused expression. "What?"

Ryan considered punching Brendon, he really did. But he also considered dropping the toppic as Brendon didn't seem to have a clue of what was wrong with his words. He decided that it was for the better to just shut up. Brendon said stupid shit all the time and Ryan was the only one who gave a fuck about anything that left Brendon's big mouth. So he just shook his head and continued driving, ignoring Brendon's confused questions.

Brendon eventuelly got that Ryan would not reply so instead he called Pete and informed him that they would be late.

And to Ryan's suprise, Pete was also late - and if he said suprise he meant that he was not suprised at all.

They got to the Airport and started running which turned out to be more complicated than they thought, as they all had to carry their bags. Ryan was also carrying one of Brendon's bags.

When they finally found the Boys, Pete was not there yet. Patrick was sitting on the ground, playing super mario. Joe was laying on the seats, asleep. And Andy was on the phone.

Ryan sighed reliefed. This was their first big experience as a Band- he was glad that they were not the reason they would miss their flight.

"Where is Pete?" Brendon asked.

"On his way." Patrick said without looking up from his game.

Andy closed his phone and came over to the Group. "Okay, Pete said we should check in, he would make it on time."

Patrick shook his head, closed his game and stood up. "If he makes it on time, I will perform without my hat."

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