Pete! At the Disco

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They were invited to celebrate Christmas with Pete and his parents and were already too late. Not that this actually suprised Ryan, he just had hoped they wouldn't be too late as they were gonna meet Pete's parents for the first time and it was Christmas and all that crap. Ryan was in a bad mood to say the least.

He shook his head and thought about what he could tell the boys why he was showing up alone. He would probably just go with the truth which was that he had been waiting for Brendon for twenty minutes now, a glare at his watch made him correct himself. It were in fact twenty one minutes from now on and that was, as Ryan decided, too much. He quickly walked out of the kitchen towards the door.

"BRENDON!" Ryan shouted one last time. "I am leaving now, bye!" He flung the door wide open but stopped before stepping outside when he heard Brendon running down the stairs as if he was being chased.

"WAIT!" Brendon shouted as he ran over to Ryan without stopping or making an attemp to get slover. Which caused him to run against Ryan, who fell back against the door, closing it as he was doing so and leaving Ryan squeezed between Brendon and the door.

"Fuck." Ryan groaned.

"Sorry." Brendon panted. "I thought you would leave without me." He leaned away and straightened his clothes. "Sorry." He repeated.

"I was aboug to leave without you." Ryan replied trying his hardest to sound as aggressive as possible, to overplay the serious blush on his face.

"You're such an asshole." Brendon sighed. "I am ready now, no need for more stress. Let's go."

"Yeah well-" Ryan said, opening the door once again and stepping outside, followed by his friend. "There's no need to stress anymore. We are already late."

"Jesus." Brendon groaned as he walked towards the car.

Ryan made sure he locked the door and got into the car as well. Just when he was about to drive out of the driveway Brendon reached at his hand and stopped him. "We forgot the cake and our present!" He exclaimed.

Ryan rolled his eyes and drove away. "You took so long that I had plenty of time to get the cake and Pete's present into the car."

"Oh you're a sweetheart." Brendon smiled at him.

"And you're an idiot." Ryan said, smiling back.


"You must be Ryan then!" Pete's mom smiled, turning to him after she took the cake from Brendon's hands and greeted them.

"Yes, mam." Ryan replied, smiling back.

"Oh, please call me Dale." She said, that warm smile still on her face. Ryan got a feeling that she somehow always had this warm smile on her face. You could see that she was genuinely interested in meeting the boys, Ryan could also see that she was pretty much acting as if Pete was still 14. This must be what mothers are like, Ryan thought with a frown.

"Pete-" Dale said, pulling Ryan's attention back again. "told me so much about you. I already met Jon, I must admit I wanted to meet you the most." She pointed at Ryan with a slight grin.

"Oh, me?" Ryan asked with wide eyes, blushing already. "There isn't really anything special about me." He admitted.

"Bullshit." Pete chimed in, like he always did. He was smirking, but Ryan already knew he would be.

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