I Can Breathe

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Chapter 17: I Can Breathe

The entire guild was ecstatic that their beloved member was okay. Everyone gathered in the small, cramped, infirmary cheering. It was a time that no one would forget. Levy ran towards Lucy and gave her a tight hug. "Lu-chan you're okay!" Levy states tearing up. The blonde hugs her back and whispers something into levy's ear that she will never forget, and it also made her tear up. 

Lucy intertwined her hand with Natsu's signaling the love she has for him. She then looked at him with a smile interlocking her lips with his. Their lips danced away as fairy tail cheered and filled the room with "ooo's" and "aww's"

In complete shock, Gray, Erza, and happy, never would of thought this would happen. 

Juvia ran into gray's arms nearly tumbling him over "Gray-sama our turn to do the same!" Juvia says perking up her lips.

"Oai! Juvia!?!" Gray states loudly. 

Lucy took the time to look at everyone in the room. It felt so alive like it always has been; however, she hated the fact that she made everyone worry. This strong sensation of love and light is something she missed and never wants to let go. Lucy even took notice of Natsu's face and smiled.

"Hey everyone! Can I have some time to rest please!" she smiles.

"Of course! Come on everyone let Lucy rest a bit." Mirajane states in a happy tone. "Lucy if you need anything please just call for me!"

"Thank you Mira."

The sound of the wooden door echoed the room while Mira kicked everyone out. Lucy then laid her head back down on the infirmary bed when a blue cat happily cuddled up next to her.

"Natsu!" She says.


"Do you mind sleeping next to me? I'm still feeling uneasy..."

The salmon pink hair boy grabs the her hand and says "Of course I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. That's a promise."

Natsu circled the bed and carefully laid down next to her. There the two faced each other as there breathing became in sync. Natsu gently placed his hand on Lucy's head and rubbed it softly making her to quickly fall asleep.

But she easily regretted her decision of rest.

Natsu watched as Lucy slept. Her hair strands were jumbled all over the place. She was having another nightmare, but of course Natsu would be there to protect her. She still needs time to heal.

While she slept, an unexpected visit from Porlyusica to see how the blonde is doing. "So how is she? Is she still having any symptoms?"

Natsu laid his back against the wall. "No, she isn't having of that, but she's still having those nightmares."

"I'll see what I can do about that then. She may be hungry after all she's been through so can you please bring some to her?"

"Yeah sure."

Natsu exited the room and quietly went down stairs leaving the cat and Lucy sleeping. "Hey Mira! Do you mind making something for Lucy? Porlyusica said that she might be hungry when she wakes up."

"Of course right away!"

"How she doing?" Gray asks.

"She's doing fine, but worries me are those nightmares. Porlyusica's working on It though."

"That's great to hear then. We were all worried about her. Loosing a fairy tail member wouldn't be right."

Natsu stood silent he didn't even want to think about ever loosing anyone.

"Natsu here you go!" He walks over to Mira and takes the plate of food up to Lucy. Porlyusica walks past Natsu in the hallway and says "Your lucky."

Natsu smiles and continues towards the room. Lucy still happily asleep. He place the plate of delectable food on the side of then bed and gently awoke her.


Her eyes fluttered open. "Natsu ?"
"Here ya go Lucy!" He smiles.

"Thank you! I'm so hungry too!

Lucy stared out the window while eating her plate of food. She thought to herself 'I can breathe.' She was thankful that she was alive.


Until next time! :D mostly fluff! But you know fairy tail is like that. Get up like nothing after a battle XD

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