Heartfilia Training Day Pt.2

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Hiya guys long time no see and I'm really sorry❤️ but I'm bAck with a long chapter!!! Enjoy


Lucy stood home for a week training with one of her handy dandy spirits. She hasn't been at the guild lately but she is determined to be back the way she was. The two really got along and enjoyed each other's company.

Day Ones of training: Summoning spirits

"Alright Lucy now first things first are the basics. Those keys in your hand are of course your celestial spirits. Each one of them have there own different sayings because each of the zodiac keys are different from one another." Lucy's nods as Loke kept speaking.

"You can only summon One spirit at a time because we use up most of your magic. Me, Aquarius, and Aries use up more of your magic but we are the most powerful. Also Aquarius can only be summoned in water. Alright now call one of your spirits."

"Wait you said not to summon more that one spirit at a time?"

"I know but this is for training and your are just summoning a spirit not asking it to fight" Lucy nods and obeys the her spirit.

The blonde Mage uncrossed her legs, got up from her seat, and stood into her calling position. She pulls a key from her pocket and says "Open gate of the archer, Sagittarius." A cloud of smoke appeared in the air a a bright light was spotted for a second and disappeared. A voice was heard saying "you called miss Lucy"

Lucy was smiling as bright of the sun. "Yuess whooo" she says jumping into the air.

Loke spoke up "Sagittarius we are helping Lucy train because an incident happned where Lucy lost her memory."

Sagittarius didn't say a word but went back into the spirit world maybe telling the others. Lucy frowned at the thought. She sat back I to the chair as her face blackened "hey loke......"


"Do you think I'll ever get my memory back?" Lucy's questions almost tearing up.

"Of course I do. I even made a promise to someone that I would help get you back to the way you were." Loke says pushing his blue tinted glasses.

Lucy erased all her negative thoughts and got up all happy and herself again. "Let's finish this shall we"

Loke nods and smiles.

"Next we must talk about the spirit world. No person can ever be able to travel through its impossible. When spirits get hit with powerful magic they do not die, but they do return to the spirit world and heal up. Now if you do call more then one spirit you'll use up all your magic and injure yourself."

Instantly an image ran through Lucy's mind. It wasn't clear but it was her screaming and crying in place she never seen before. She shook it off and kept listening.

"Got it" loke says.

"Got it"

"Let's take a break be back in an hour alright Lucy."

"Alright see you then" she waves goodbye to her friend.

Mind thoughts: What was that just now and image of me. Am I trying to remember something. I'm going to the guild right now I need answers no one never told me what actually happened.


Lucy barged into the guild spotting her friends all at a table.

"Oai Lucy how's training" Gray says as everyone else smiles.

Lucy ignored the question and banged her fist on the table "Look I have questions that need answers.....this may not be easy for you guys to say or answer but what exactly happened to me on that day? Why can't I remember anything?"

They all stood quiet when Erza spoke up. "I can answer one question but you can not remember a thing because the man we tried to defeat took your memory's and used a barrier to block of Anything you try to remember from that day and before." (Her past)

"Sorry that I yelled just a little confused and frustrated."

"Don't worry it'll all be okay" Wendy says.

Natsu didn't have the guts to say a word about them Dating. He just sat there smiling and acting like everything is okay.

Lucy looked at the clock and rushed out the door "sorry I have to get back to training." They all wave goodbye to one another.

"Oai natsu when are you gonna tell Lucy you two were a thing"

There was a long silence





"Probably never....."



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