chapter 5

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astrid's pov

Luke grabbed my hand and ran up to our room. "ASTRIDDDDD!!! CALUM THINKS DYLAN IS FALLING IN LOVE WITH MICHAEL!" He yelled. "NO, MY OTPPPPPPP." We were really sad. All we here is yelling and a door slamming. "Luke..." I said grabbing his hand and running out the door.

We walked over to Dylan's car and she was balling her eyes out. Luke and I crawled in the backseat of the car and talked to her. "Dyl?" I asked. "What?" She said back rudely. "Are you okay?" Luke asked. "No! MY BOYFRIEND THINKS I LIKE SOMEONE ELSE BUT I-I LOVE CALUM." She started to ball her eyes out. I turned to Luke and made a sad face.

"Come on." I said and went around and pulled her out of the car. "Your coming inside at least. If you and Cal don't make up by tonight Luke and I have an air mattress you can sleep on." I said and Luke nodded. "O-okay." She took my hand and we walked in. Calum shot a death glare and luckly she didn't see. "Luke talk to her upstairs I'll deal with Cal." I whispered and he nodded and guided her up the stairs.

"CALUM!" I yelled. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" He yelled at me. "Come here." I said through my teeth dragging him outside. "WHAT THE HELL? You think Dylan likes Michael?" I asked. "She acts like it." He said. "No she doesn't she loves you Cal." I said. "Are you sure, 'cause I think she likes Michael." He said. I got aggravated, "NO CALUM, SHE LOVES YOU!" I screamed and ran inside.

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