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Justin's POV

"Thanks, my girlfriend an I have been wanting to see this game since forever. I really appreciate that" I thanked walking back to my Audi R8.

I got in and drove back to my house, putting up the tickets so I didn't lose them. I can't wait to tell Y/n, she's gonna be so happy. Seeing her happy makes me happy and I really enjoy that.

I took out my phone and tapped her contact in my messages.

'Hey baby, I have some really good news!'

A few seconds later she texted back.

'Oh great, when are you ing to tell me?'

'When you get here...duh'

'Okay, well I gotta go. I'll text you when I'm on my way'

'I love you'

'I love you too'

I locked my phone, setting it beside me on the couch. I need to see my baby girl. I haven't seen her since this morning and its already 4:15.

Y/n's POV

I sat down on the same metal bed I sat on earlier this week. I constantly tapped my nails against the bed, impatiently waiting for my test results. I really need to find out what's going on with me before something bad happens. Dr. Phillips entered the room, flipping through the papers on his clipboard. He looked up at me, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Miss Y/l/n, I'm sorry this, but you have cancer" he spoke

My face fell, tears rushing to my sockets, stinging behind my eyes.

"A-are you s-serious?" I asked trying to keep the tears from falling

He slightly nodded "here are your results and I demand you come back next week for a CT scan" dr. Phillips stated

I nodded my head slightly before shoving the tests in my purse and leaving the hospital. I took out my phone, tapping on justin and I's text messages

'Justin, I'm on my way home but I have very important news to tell you'

I locked my phone, placing it into my purse also. I pulled up into the driveway, parking my car. I got out and made my way into the house. Justin was sitting on the couch watching t.v.

"Hey baby, I have to tell you the great news now" justin got up and wrapped his arms around me, but pulling back after

"Justin wait..." He continued with his news

"Remember how bad we wanted to go to that basketball game?" Excitement laced through his words

"Justin listen, please?" I asked, instead he kept on rambling

"I got tickets and there's more" his smile was huge

"Hold on a minute" i said, tears ready to hit the floor

Justin grabbed my shoulders firmly "we're sitting in the first row!"

"Justin, I have cancer!" I yelled over him

His face fell, the tears in my eyes, sliding down my cheeks. Justin suddenly pulled me into his chest, holding me tightly.

"No. No, this can't be happening. I can't lose you Y/n, I don't know what I'll do with myself if I do. You have to stay with me. I can't let you go, I just can't" justin sobbed into my neck

I wrapped my arms around his waist, holding him tight. I don't want to go either, but I'm not the one to choose, fate is.

"When did you find out?" His voice cracking

"Today" I whispered

"Oh my god. I'm gonna spoil you every second of the day. I'll give you what you want, when you want it. I'm gonna treat you as a princess, because you are my princess. I'm gonna help you live your life while you have it. We're gonna travel the world together and take memerable pictures. I need you, please don't leave me?" Justin cried, clutching onto my body tighter

"I love you, justin" I whispered

"I love you too, princess. You are my world, my one and only and that'll never change" he spoke

I pulled back from the hug, only to be pulled straight into a beautiful, passionate kiss. I love justin so much and my love for him will never fade.

End notes

So how did you like that? I'm doing another based from one of the text ones. I had a little someone comment on it and tell me I should make an imagine out of it, not pointing fingers MissDelsie. I hoped you liked it as much as I did.

I cried tbh, and I'm 0% ashamed of it. Love you all!


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