Vacation 7~

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Today's the day we go to court. Justin insisted on coming with us, so I just let him come. Right now we're riding in Justin's private jet back to Gorgia. It shouldn't take us long, knowing how early we left this morning. Justin held Sierra in his arms as she slept peacefully, it was cute.

I love how Justin treats Sierra, she really likes him. I didn't think I would ever meet Justin, but him asking me to be his girlfriend is breathtaking.

"Y/n" Justin quietly called

I turned my head from looking out the window "yea?"

"I love you" a smiled formed on my face

"I love you too, Justin" Justin intertwined our fingers together, holding my hand tightly

. . .

We sat in the front of the court house, I just wanted to get this whole thing done and over with.

"Are you coming in or...?" Justin nodded his head

We stepped out of the car, Justin held Sierra in his arms. Making our way inside the building, I took my spot, Justin siting down with Sierra in the jury. I tried not to make eye contact with Darryl, because if I did, it wouldn't be good. The judge slammed her gavel into the podium.

"Order in the court!" Everyone settled down "Mr. Johnson, what would you like from this divorce?"

"I want the house and everything in it" he responded

"Ms. Y/l/n, why would you like from this divorce?" She asked me

"Full custody of Sierra" I nodded my head

. . .

I won! I got full custody of Sierra. Justin, Sierra, and I walked down the steps back to the car. Justin set Sierra down on the ground and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm just glad that all of this is over" Justin mumbled into my neck

"Me too, now that I can finally get away from him" I looked up to the court house seeing him walking out

His eyes landed on mine, but at the same time, Justin pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back passionately, smiling once he pulled back.

"I love you so much, Y/n" Justin placed a gentle kiss on my lips

"I love you too" my arms tightened around Justin's neck

"Mommy, why did Justin kiss you" you looked down at your child smiling

"Well, Justin is mommy's boyfriend" I watched as her eyes lit up

"Really?! Does that mean I get to call you daddy?" She asked Justin

He looked at me, but I just shrugged my shoulders. Justin looked back to Sierra smiling and nodded his head

"Yay!" She cheered, hugging his legs

End notes

Yes? No? How do you feel about this. I actually liked this one a lot. I'm sorry if there's

What day do you start school? Or if you already started, what day did you start?


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