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Maybe if I tried to strangle him, he'd play with me... You thought

You were at Justin's house, trying to get him to play with you. You've never play wrestled with justin and you really wanted to. But with justin being justin, sadly, he wouldn't.

You went into the hallway closet, finding some type of string. Sneaking up behind justin, you tip toed. You stood up behind him as he sat in his chair on his phone. A slight smirk made its way to your lips. You quickly wrapped the string around his neck, making him fall back in his chair.

"Yah!" You laughed falling back on the floor, letting go.

"Fuck, Y/n you could of killed me" justin rubbed his neck

"I know, just play with me" you giggled

"Fine" he gave in

You hurried to get on your hands and knee's, trying to crawl away. Justin grabbed your foot, your cheek smacking against the wooden floor.

"You can't run from me" justin pulled you in, laughing

He wrapped his arms around you, but you managed to flip your bodies so you were on top.

"But look who's getting their ass beat" you slapped his cheek

Justin pushed you off of his body. You slid across the floor on your back, trying to get back up.

"I got you now" justin laughed, jumping on top of you

Justin wrapped his hands around your neck, pretending to choke you, causing you to laugh.

"Yea, choke me out, daddy" you laughed

Justin automatically stopped, looking at you surprised. Your face went red in embarrassment.

"What'd you just call me?" A smirk grew on his lips

Justin stood up off of you, you getting up after him. You dusted your self off and cleared your throat.

"Uh, nothing. J-just act like none of this happened" you gushed

"Don't you-"

"Yea, I do. I-i didn't mean to" you stuttered

That smirk never left Justin's face. He wanted to know what was going on. You didn't know whether to tell him or keep it to yourself. But either way, he was probably gonna find out in the end.

This can't be happening... You thought to yourself

Ugh, I have a boyfriend, but I've had the biggest crush on justin since the seventh grade... You thought once again

Justin walked into the kitchen, leaving you by yourself.

"What am I gonna do" you whispered running a hand trough your thick hair.

End notes

Part two anyone... Idk how the hell I came up with this but I had to write it before I forgot...vote and comment. Love you.


Justin Bieber interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now