Miss Me? -Chapter Five-

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*Sherlock's POV*

I finally decided to go back to Baker Street to tell John that I had returned...yet again. Hopefully, he wouldn't injure me this time.

I knocked on our door. John didn't look too surprised to see me actually and I didnt blame him because I wouldn't leave England, knowing that James Moriarty was back.

"Tell me you're staying for good", John pleaded.

"Yes", I simply replied.

John smiled and pulled me into a hug. I wasn't really used to such contact but I hugged him back after hesitating for a while.

"Well, come in then!" John said, practically dragging me inside.

Mrs Hudson came into sight and let out an excited squeal when she noticed me.

"Sherlock!" Mrs Hudson celebrated, "You're back!"

"Yep", I answered, not really sure as to why people were excited, "Two cups of tea, please. Pronto".

"Sherlock, you've only been back for five seconds and you're already treating me like your housekeeper again", Mrs Hudson sighed frustratedly.

I half laughed as me and John trailed off to 221B.

We sat in our usual chairs so that we could discuss Moriarty.

"Did you meet him?" John asked, us both knowing who 'him' was.

"Yes", I answered.

"What exactly happened?" John questioned.

"We met at the pool", I began, "He, being Jim Moriarty, played his childish games again. Apparently, it's round two now and he told me to expect a lot more than round one. He said he's obsessed with me. 'My obsession is you', those were his exact words. I knew it all along. I knew he always had this strange, unhealthy obsession with beating me. He hasn't come back to take over and rule the world, he has come back to kill me, John".

"Why didn't he just kill you there then?" John asked.

"Because he wants it to last, you see", I explained, "He wants to torture me before my death is final. He wouldn't just randomly murder me out of nowhere, there will definitely be some sort of build up. Like when we were on the roof for example. He left all these clues and hints like 'IOU' and the Fairy Tale sequence. That was his way of making this 'game' more fun. I hate to admit it, John, but James Moriarty is a very intelligent man. That's why he's brilliant".

"Why is it always when you or someone else has a chance of dying, you always get excited and never nervous?" John asked.

"Because that's what me and Moriarty have in common", I said, "We both can't handle boredom".

"Trust me, I know!" John said sarcastically, "Remember that time when you started shooting our bloody wall because you were 'bored'?"

"How could I possibly forget?" I smirked and suddenly bounced up, putting on my coat and shoes.

"Where are you going now?" John sighed, obviously knowing that this would not be good.

"The pool again", I replied.

"Why?" John dumbly asked.

"Why do you think?" I called through to him as I was already making my way downstairs.

"Sherlock, wait!" John shouted and I stopped to look at him, "If you're going to go and see Moriarty, then I'm coming with you".

I simply nodded, pretending that I didn't care but, secretly, I was quite happy to have John by my side again like the old times.

I started sending a text as we called a cab.

Meet us at the pool again. We need to talk some more.

I got a text back almost immediately as if he had been waiting.

I knew you couldn't stay away from me for too long. Five minutes.
-JM x

I smirked at my phone, ready for things to kick off at the pool.

"What are you doing?" John asked, referring to what I was doing on my phone.

I paused.

"Starting the game".

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