Chapter 5

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I woke up. I tried to get up but I couldn't move. I look down at myself I was all fixed. Nothing broken. Even my legs were like nobody touched them.
I looked around again and I started to panic.
Their was no light in the room so I couldn't see anything. I started to hyperventilate and almost passed out. But I kept my emotions under control.
my eyes finally adjusted to the dark. I'm in a cell. I was tied up on a table, both hands and feet in cuffs strapped down like an animal.
'oh no' I thought. I looked around and their was knives and bone saws and loads of other torturing tools
*creak... BOOM!* I heard the sound of a heavy door close, metal and strong.
I kept trying to break free of the chains but it wasn't any use. I finally found out that I couldn't move.
I looked up, only to be met face to face with the leader.
I've only encountered him twice. They were the most terrifying moments of my life. The first time is when I was 12. The age I was captured. I woke up on a cott. The room was only lit up by a lantern, which made everything more scarier. The cold cobble stone walls, the straw on the floor. the image, memory still floats in my mind if it's happened yesterday. The second time we met was when I failed collecting a certain herb correctly. I was locked up in my cell, hanging from chains in an up right postion for a week without food or water. Trust me it was not not a great experience. I'm no expert at survival out in the woods and stuff like that, but I don't think that I can live that long without at least water. It must of just been a few days then, or something.
So right now would make this the third time. I'm not afraid, I'm freakin' terrified!
By the looks of things I knew that I was going to get tortured. Well I did try to escape. Which means this is going to brutal.
"Hello Isabelle..." his american accent stood out strongly. He reached his hand over to grab a knife off of the table. Tears started to form to my eyes. I tried my best to keep them from falling. I couldn't afford to so weakness at this point. Not in front off him.
"Since you're so afraid, I'm going to make you watch." he said a cocky smile crept on his face. But also a smile you could tell that he was planing something.
"Slave! Bring the candles!" I cringed as he said it. It was so ruff, deep and husky. It was 'very' intimidating. He quickly then put his hand back down by his side.
I didn't want to watch myself get torn up! Let alone get torn up at all! I already feel loads of pain, thoughts, ideas and question are start bubbling in my mind. Seeing what happens to me is only going to cause me to have a mental breakdown and I've already lost my sanity!
The slaves come along with a few candles and candle holders about a little under a minute after the leader called them. I would rather say 'Servant' then 'Slave'. 'Slave' reminds me of why I'm here and my purpose in life, also how I was captured. It makes me emotional, emotion.
shows weakness. As I said I can't afford to be weak.
I shake it off and focus on what's happening at this moment. Also about what's going to happen to me next.
The 'Servant' puts the candles around me. The candles are unlit. The servant just left after. Strange, was the leader going to light them?
All of a sudden he snapped his finger and the candles lit up. I would be fascinated and a bit surprised if I wasn't about to be torn apart.
But instead of saying nothing I gasp, "What? That doesn't m-make sense!" I point out with all the courage I had left. I mentally curse for stuttering. I was supposed to sound aggressive and intimidating but failed badly.
"Oh darling, it makes perfect sense. Even you can do something so simple." He's voice was full of amusement and it scared me. But what scared me even more was what he said, "Even you can do something so simple." What! I'm not a monster like you! I would never dare say that to his face. he'd probably just blow my face off anyway. The thing that bothered me the most was that he said I was like him in a way, and nobody would ever want to be like him.
I get ripped from my thoughts as I glance over to see the leader reaching out for the tools again. I just freeze where I'm lying down to. I try to process what he's going to do to me with that tool, whatever it is.
So how was Chapter 5????? Let me know in the comments please!!! I love all my lovely readers!!! Bye!!! Izzy out!!!

The Reality Of Our DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora