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Joe's POV-

I was vlogging when I heard Caspar come back into the house. I hear giggles coming from upstairs as well but they're girly, so I decide to stop my vlog for the moment and go upstairs.

"Hey mate." I say to Caspar when I get upstairs but I see him with this girl. Beyond gorgeous with long blonde hair and bright green eyes. "Joe, this is my friend Flora." Caspar introduces me to his friend.

"Hello Flora, I'm Joe," I say. Wow Joe, that's all you got? She smiles and waves to me. I go into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. I screw off the cap and take a sip. I don't even know what to say to her. She is so beautiful.

"Joe, Flora loves your videos. She's a big fan," Caspar says making me smile brightly. "Is that right?" I ask looking down at her and I immediately zone out and into her big green eyes.

"Yeah, my favorite one is the one where you prank Cal Freezy about the ghost!" She says laughing at the thought of the video and breaking our eye contact which is kinda sad. I laugh along remembering the time when I did that. It was well thought out, if I do say so myself.

"Thanks," I say sitting in the chair to the left of the couch in our living room where Caspar and Flora were sitting. "What were you guys planning on doing?" I ask them curiously.

"We were just gonna watch a movie. Wanna watch with us mate?" Caspar asks me and I shrug and say sure. Caspar turns on a movie but I don't know what it is because I'm focused on Flora.

After a few minutes she asks where the bathroom is and Caspar tells her where his bathroom is. She smiles and gets up starting to head downstairs. I clear my throat and say that I should get back to my editing but thank him for letting me tag along for a bit.

I get downstairs when someone pulls on my arm. I turn and see her. Next thing I know, our lips are connected and my arm is wrapped around her waist pulling her into me more.

This lasts for a good minute before we both pull back. "Uh- I'm so sorry... Uh..." I say rubbing the back of my neck nervously as I step back slightly. She smiles and says it was fine. "I enjoyed that," she whispers as she looks at the floor blushing. I smile and kiss her again.

She blushes and decides to go back up to Caspar before he gets worried. "Uh Flora?" I ask and she turns around awaiting my response. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" I ask nervously and hopefully. She smiles and blushes. "Joe, I would love to!" She says happily before kissing my cheek and running up the stairs.

I shake my head and go into my room, shutting the door behind me. I replay what just happened in my head for a few minutes before deciding to continue editing the vlog I made.

[A couple hours later]

Flora went home so I went upstairs to hang with Caspar. "Uh Caspar?" I ask as we sit there watching a movie. "Yeah mate?" He asks me and I take a deep breath. It's now or never Sugg.

"I like Flora and when I went downstairs to edit and she was in the bathroom, she came out and we kissed and I asked her on a date." I say basically all in one breath so I hyperventilate afterwards. He shrugs, "okay," he says.

That went better than I thought it would! Great! I say before sighing with relief.

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