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Joe's POV

Some people ask, what is love? Well, who really knows what love is? Love is many different things.

Love is having a laugh with your grandma at a family event. Love is sharing a beer with your dad on the porch. Love is watching movies with your best friend.

Love can be heartbreak. Love can be sad; crying by yourself. Love can be moments filled with so much happiness. Love can be hurt; it can be hope. Love is described in many ways. Everyone has their own definition of love.

But my definition of love was Flora. Flora was my happiness, my lazy day playing video games, my time watching the beautiful sunrise, my view of the beautiful night sky full of stars. Flora was my everything.

You could travel the world and see so many beautiful things but none of those compared to the beauty Flora held. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, inside and out. She was my wonderwall.

Being in love is losing yourselves in the others eyes. Being in love is hearing the others name, and your heart starts racing. Being in love is sharing moments of silence, but so much is said. Being in love is sharing a quick kiss, but full of so much passion and emotion.

Being in love was all I ever needed and Flora was just that.


A/N: THATS IT GUYS!!! I'm so proud of myself for finally finishing a story, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!

Message me or comment telling me what you thought!! Tell me how everything made you feel, your favourite part, anything! Oh, I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

I love you so much. (And Joe). Vote for it and share it if you liked it! Thanks for everything and it means a lot to me!

-K <3

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