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Flora's POV

"Joseph, wake up!" I shout at him as I jump onto his stomach, straddling him. I poke his face and kiss his nose until I see him slowly and gently flutter his eyes open. "There you are handsome," I say smiling down at him before kissing him lightly. When I pull back, he's blushing up at me and his eyes are bluer than usual.

"Hello there darlin'." He says making me smile at the nickname yet again. "Your eyes are astonishing this fine day," I say smiling at him and running my fingers through his messy morning hair. "Why, thank you my lady," he says smiling up to me.

"What's got you so perky today?" He asks happily as I roll off of him and sit with my legs crossed facing him on the bed. "Today I have a surprise for you," I say smirking and jumping up before he can say anything. I go to the bathroom where all my stuff is already set up for a shower. "Wanna join me for a shower or are you just gonna lie there all day?" I ask giggling.

He smiles and stands up before coming into the bathroom and kissing me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I close the door and we both get ready for the shower. I start playing some music and we start dancing as we step into the water. He washes my hair for me as he usually does and afterwards, I wash his.

I stop scrubbing the shampoo in his hair as I look into his eyes and smile. This meaning a thousand more words than what I could speak. He smiles back and that's all I needed. I resume shampooing his hair before rinsing it out as I sing softly along with the music.

"What's my surprise?" Joe asks as we step out of the shower and he hands me my towel. I smile as a thanks as I wrap it around myself. "It's a surprise for a reason, Joseph," I say giggling before he spins me around and kisses me, swaying both of us along with the song. The song was Photograph by Ed Sheeran.

After we stop slow dancing, I start getting ready for our big day. I comb and dry my hair before putting on my outfit. This consisted of a blue "okay?" "Okay." sweater from The Fault in Our Stars, black and white patterned leggings, light brown combat boots with black and white pattern on the inside that's folded down, blue eye makeup, and black and white nails. (As shown in the picture.)

I curl my hair lightly at the ends letting it flow naturally. I spin around playfully for Joe and he smiles. "Absolutely stunning," he says before leaning in to kiss my forehead. "Get dressed, we need to go," I order him giggling as he walks out and I finish up the last touches of my outfit before walking out of the bathroom and seeing Joe put his shoes on.

"Allow me," I say giggling as I go over and tie his shoes for him seeing that he was struggling slightly. "You're so cute," he says making me blush.

I stand up and reach my hand for him to take. He takes it as we walk up the stairs. Caspar's watching TV on the couch so I go over and jump on him as I always do.

"Caspar!" I shout excitedly and kiss his cheek making him chuckle. "Hello Florenzia!" He shouts playfully hugging me tight. "Joseph and I are going out today. Be good on your own, don't break anything and don't burn the house down," I tell him laughing as I get up and run into Joe's arms.

We leave and get in my car since I'm the one driving today. I plug my phone into the stereo and hand it to Joe. "Play whatever, but preferably One Direction or Ed." I say smirking over at him as I start to pull out of the driveway.

We get within a minute or so from the bookstore so I tell Joseph to close his eyes, him doing as told. I park in the closest spot available to the store before getting out and opening Joe's door for him. I tell him to keep his eyes closed as I guide him inside.

I take him upstairs to my favorite section of the bookstore before telling him to open his eyes. He does so and looks around. "A bookstore?" He asks expressionless so I can't tell if he's unhappy or if he's in awe.

"Today, we're gonna write notes to future readers of our favorite books and put them on random pages in the book!" I say explaining the amazing date idea I had come up with whilst cooking dinner one night. "This is amazing Flora, thank you," he says smiling and kissing me.

I nod in return as I sit on the floor and grabbing one of my favorite books from the shelf. The Giver. "I've never read that book," Joe says gently rubbing his finger on the hard cover of the book. "It's about this boy, Jonas, who gets selected to be the 'receiver of memory' by a man known as 'the giver'. The Giver was the previous Receiver of Memory so his new job is to pass on all those memories to Jonas. In doing so, Jonas learns about the origins of this utopia he lives in and thus starting a dystopian plot." I explain to him as he watches me in amazement.

"You are so smart," he says smiling at me. "It's an amazing novel. You should read it," I say handing it to him. He studied the book for a while as I take out another one of my favorites. Looking for Alaska. "John Green. Such a gifted writer," I say shaking my head before setting the book down and resting my head against the shelves, looking up towards the ceiling.

I breath a deep breath out and smile. I look over at Joe who was already looking at me. I smile and he leans in, pressing his lips against mine quite forcefully but I don't mind. "When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?" Joe asks when we pull apart.

"I wanted to be a musician. At the same time, however, I wanted to be an author. When I was in secondary school, I added to that list and I wanted to be an English teacher," I say smiling up at the ceiling. "How come you didn't follow your dreams?" He asks, making me stop and look at him. I think for a while then look back up at the ceiling.

"I don't know, actually," I say sighing and soaking in the beauty of all these books just waiting to be read. "You still could be one of those things, if not all," Joe says and I think. Maybe I could. What's stopping me?

"You're incredibly smart and super wise. You would make for an amazing English teacher or author. And you have a beautiful singing voice, you would also do very well being a musician," Joe says and I smile. "Thank you Joe," I say holding his hand tightly. Maybe I should go to college and get a degree to become a teacher.

"What are you thinking about?" Joe asks after a little bit and I guess I must have zoned out. "I think I want to become an English teacher!" I say happily looking at all the books again. He smiles brightly showing me that he's excited about my decision. "But for right now, let's write some notes for these future readers, shall we?" I ask taking the sticky notes and pens out of my backpack and handing him some.

I grab a pile of amazing books that I love and start writing notes. Joe watches me with a look in his eye I can't really put a name to. It hides when I look up at him but returns when I'm not looking so I never get a good look at it. Joe starts writing notes in the books that he loves as well and we stick them in the books and put them back on the shelves. We write notes in multiple copies of one book so there's more readers receiving our wise words.

After a couple hours of putting notes in the books, I grab a book I've wanted to read for a long time off the shelf. The Book Thief. "Joe, I'm gonna go buy this. We're gonna read this together!" I say going downstairs to the cash register and paying for the book. I thank the cashier before going back upstairs to where Joe was standing looking through some novels.

"This place is amazing, no wonder you love it so much," Joe says smiling as he looks around the upper level of the store, soaking in the beauty of it all. I smile as I do the same, this place is my happy place. I lace my fingers through his as we just stand there, thinking. "Let's go home," I say.


A/N: hey guys. I don't know how many chapters I'm gonna have in this story and I know I need to add a bit more drama. I think I have the perfect idea but idk. Anyways give me any ideas you have by commenting or messaging me. It would mean a lot.

On that note, vote, follow, comment, share! Keep enjoying! Love you Guys!


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