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Flora's POV

We landed in LA late last night so Joseph woke me up this morning for a day in the wonderful city of LA. I put on my Jack Daniels shirt with a pair of high waisted shorts, black combat boots, and a pair of sunglasses that look like Will Darbyshire's glasses. I paint my nails and do my makeup and smile at my reflection when I'm done, happy with how it looks.

"Ready, baby?" Joe asks when I come out of the bathroom and smile at him, walking over to kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist tightly and kisses me passionately yet so gently. "Oh my gosh, you are so hot, then you're so adorable, then you're super silly, and then you're hot again," I say giggling putting my face in his neck.

We lace our fingers together as we leave the room, then the hotel and soak in the beautiful view of Los Angeles, California. "What a beautiful day it is," I say smiling at the sight as I look around some more.

"What a beautiful girl to spend it with," Joe says making me blush as I turn to him, and kiss him. "What are we gonna do today?" I ask him, not knowing if he had plans or not. "Oh don't you worry, it will be full of amazing surprises," he says smirking and his eyes light up in a direction behind me and I worriedly turn in that direction to see what it was.

There was a guy walking towards me with a rose. He gives it to me, getting down on one knee and I look at Joe confused and worriedly. He nods, smiling brightly at it. I smile at the guy and take the rose. He stands up and pulls out a letter from his pocket, he hands it to me and smiles before walking away.

"Joseph?" I ask turning to face him again. "Don't open it darlin'!" He says snatching it from my grasp and putting it in my bag. I giggle at his childishness before putting my hand in his again as we start walking. I could walk anywhere with Joe and it would still be amazing.

We walk along the main strip in LA, and we look at all the stars. "Joseph! Look!" I shout excitedly when I see Marilyn Monroe's star. "Can you pleeeaseee take a picture of me with it?" I beg grabbing onto his arm. He laughs and nods and I excitedly jump over to it and sit down next to it, making a cute and artsy pose with it.

I smile brightly as I get up and we keep walking. We look through all the stars and half the people I don't even know but they're still awesome to look at. Once we're done with that, we drive to a place where we will get a great view of the Hollywood sign so Joe can take a picture of me.

We arrive and get out of the car. It's a mountain kinda far away from us out straight ahead and you can still see the sign really well. I stand in front of it, facing it, and Joe takes a picture. I turn back around and smile at Joe before running over and jumping up into him. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around behind his neck and I kiss him, passionately and hard.

He holds onto me tightly, not letting me fall as he carries me back to the car through our kiss. He opens my door and gently sets me in the passenger seat but he doesn't break our lips apart. After a moment, he does and he walks over to his side of the car and hops in. I smile as I put my seatbelt on and look at Joe. He smiles before leaning in and kissing me again.

(I don't know what else they can do in Los Angeles/Hollywood so they're gonna go back to the hotel now)

Joe's POV

During the day when Flora would be infatuated with something, I would take a picture because she looked so beautiful. I look over at her now and smile as I see her already looking back at me. "Wanna take a shower?" I ask feeling tired yet grimy from the day. She nods, smiling, and gets up to go into the bathroom.

I get up and follow her in. We both start undressing and I turn on the water, letting it get warm before we jump in. After it warms up, we get in and get our bodies and hair wet. She takes her shampoo and gives it to me making me smile. I squeeze some shampoo into my hand and start massaging it through her long, beautiful blonde hair.

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