Chapter 7

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Hearing that name made the blood drain from my face and a shiver run down my spine.

"Sky earlier today I was contacted by alpha blake indicating that there has been a few problems with rogues in his territory" My wolf whimpered at the thought of her mate, she still loved him and wanted to be with him but I was over him, I moved on with my life. I nodded my head waiting for him to go on.

"They've been kidnapping wolves, torturing them and then dropping the dead bodies back to the pack or just killing them on the spot. The rogues already have more than enough members to attack the whole pack at once but they want a war and are their recruiting more wolves for it. Your pack wasn't a big one sky the need our help, you know were the strongest pack in the state"

I nodded again letting everything he said sink in. I knew that the midnight pack wasn't every big, the pack only had 65 members when I was there and with these deaths I'm sure the numbers would have dropped. We are the biggest pack in the state, our pack consisted of 317 members.

"So what we going to do?" Rogues were a serious problem and if they were starting a war it would effect us all in the long run. Xavier ran his hands through his hair making it stand up in odd angles, he looked tired, he was still only wearing the shorts he put on earlier and had documents were scattered all over his desk.

"Well me and alpha blake thinks that it in everyone's best interest if their pack comes to live here with us, its than us moving our whole pack. They will be arriving here tomorrow morning, I'm calling a pack meeting later to inform them about what's happening". He leaned forward resting his hands his desk. "Sky I know your former pack hurt and you probably never want to see them ever again but its peoples lives at stake here and they need our help I hope understand" Xavier had regret in his eyes. 

I let out a breathe that I didn't know I was holding "Xavier its fine, I know you have everyone best interest at heart. I can handle my old pack, its only temporarily until the rogues are dealt with" I said smiling up at him, I would be fine. If I can handle a bunch of ruthless rogues I can handle my old pack, I'm not the 17 year old scared girl I use to be. I'm at 20 year old confident mom and strongest member in the pack.

We discussed for the next 2 hours about which side of the house the midnight pack would live on, the rogues and other things. I would be training the midnight packs wolves also as well as ours, xavier said they weren't very good in fighting.

By the time were finished it was 8 o'clock, the pack meeting was being help 15 minutes. We left his office and started walking down the hall, xavier stopped just before the stairs pulling me into me into his warm embrace.

"Sky I'm proud of you for what you did today and I know you were probably scared for josh, I just want you to know that I'm always here for you especially with this pack coming" He said puling back looking down at me, I smiled up at him "I know" hugging him tighter to me.

"You don't have to come to the meeting, go be with josh" letting me go, kissing me on the forehead before going downstairs to hold the meeting.

I walked back to my room, changed into shorts and a tank top before climbing into bed. "Night mommy" josh whispered to me snuggling closer to my chest.

Looking down at him made me forget about they events the day, the rogues or my former pack. He is my life and I will be willing to do anything for him.

"Night baby" I said before falling into a dreamless sleep waiting for what tomorrow will bring.

When I woke the next morning the pack house was awfully quiet but with my sensitive hearing I could make out the sounds of the other pack, I got out of bed and went into my bathroom. Washing my face, brushing my teeth and got dressed in a black sweater, light blue jeans and black converses. I brushed my hair over my shoulders making it fall in waves down to the middle of my back.

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