Chapter 13

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I knew he was coming, i could feel it through whatever was left of our once bond. Not a sound was heard within the house execpt for his howls and snarls of pain he was enduring for the mate he had oh so truly lost forever. I knew I had caused him this pain but felt no guilt of any sort, he now knew what it felt like to be abandoned by his mate, to be left alone within his own world of pain not knowing anyway out, now way to escape his own living hell.

I could feel the mating bond that me and xavier created beneath my skin, molding to me giving me a feeling like no other. I had the feeling to protect xavier even with him being the strongest of wolves, I had the need to protect what was mine. My Mate. I could see xavier's body becoming tense with each passing second, with each step blake took to get to us. I knew he also felt the need to protect what was his.

Reaching out my hand I cupped his soft cheek, rubbing smooth circles with the pad of my thumb, bringing his attention directly to me. Resting my forehead against his and placing my other hand over his beating heart I whispered "I love you" He placed his hand on my chest, laying it acros my his heart and leant forward capturing my lips in a deep passionate kiss filed with love. Both our hearts jumped, skipping a beat before falling in sync and beating together at the same pace in the same rhythm. 

Breaking the kiss he leant back, locking his blue eyes with my hazel eyes bringing me into a trace "I love you sky...and I'll aways protect you" I could only nod my head my mouth unable to speak as I gazed deep into his eyes. He gave me a sweet smile before jumping and shifting into his wolf just before blake burst into the room with and ear piercing howl, snapping his canines in xavier's direction before bringing his attention to me. 

Blakes eyes were filled with pain as he took a step towards me whining, xavier's wolf stood infornt blocking his path to me. Blake emotions turned from sadness and lost to complete rage as he charged towards xavier canines barred, snarl upon his face. The two started to fight getting into a bloody battle which neither wanted to lose. Blake fighting for the mate he lost. Xavier fighting for the mate he wants to protect.  

Blake bite down on xavier's tail, sinking his claws into his lower back causing xavier's howls o be filled with pain from the blow he recieved. Xavier locked his jaw onto one of blakes back hinds shaking his head viciously, making it snap and blake whine. Blake limped backward on his good hind when xavier striked him in his side with his claws embeding deep into his side. 

Whining blake's wolf fell to the floor in a heap and struggled to get back up, xavier was about to deliever his last blow which was sure to end blake's life but stopped short following a scream. 

I did not know it was my scream that rang through the house until xavier stood infront of my comforting me, wrapping his body around me, keeping me safe within him. He slowly stared to change back into his human form while blake still lay upon the floor in a blooded, battered heap. 

Once fully shifted xavier held me within his arms turning me to face him. 

"Don't kill him xavier" My voice was empty void of any emotion as my gaze flicked over to blake. I felt nothing towards no remorse, no sympathy, no guilt just utter hatred. Blake visibly flinched from this, he knew he had lost me, he knew i bore no feeling for what was my so called mate. It just took until now, until i mated another for him to finally understand and realize that, he lost me many heards back when he treated me the way he had, when he exiled me, when he warrented his pack to kill me.

"Leave now blake and do not return upon my territory, while you still have the chance" Xavier's command left no room for arguement, even if blake was an alpha he could not disrepect the command. He did try though but he did later bow his head in submission. Changing back into his human for, he picked himself up of the floor. Snarling over in our direction "This ain't over, I will have to skyler" his voice filled with promise before he stormed out of the room and out of the pack house.

"His gonna be back, ain't he?" My eyes still looking the direction in which blake had left, xavier's arms tightened around my waist bringing me closer towards him, leaning my head against his chest he pressed a kiss in the middle of my forehead. "Don't worry about him, he won't hurt you again" Nodding my head, we stood in each others embrace for a while just thinking. 


 "Mommy" Josh squealed jumping into my arms smothering me in kisses. His sticky hands on each of my cheeks. Chuckling at the little monster before me covered in paint and god knows what, made my heart swell. Even if he was not mine biological son, I loved him all the same he was something I lived for, everything I did was for him. The job I worked was to earn money for him, all the training I did was to protect him. He was my everything.

"Hello baby" I said smiling, kissing the to of his ruffled hair. "Mommy look what I made you" his little voice shouted as he ran towards the table as fast as him little legs could take him, grabbing a piece of paper he ran back jumping back into my lap.

"Look" shoving the paper in front of my face, it showed at messing looking flower that he painted with a sun in the corner and green grass. "Ooo...this is lovely josh, it's for me?" his little head bobbed up and down with a grin upon his face. "Well thank you, I love it" lifting him up, I placed on each if his cheeks and on his forehead making him giggle.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up" I said, heading in the direction to our room.

One I had Josh bathed and clean, I made my way back towards the kitchen in order to start dinner. Josh went to play with the other children in the pack while I set out preparing dinner with the help of megan.

"So... things got pretty intense today huh?" Megan whispered, wagging her eyebrows causing me to go bright red. Blinking away the shock I started to whisper back. "How do you know?"

"Well considering all the noise you too made, you also wear his mark" this make blush brighter but also made a swell of pride settle in my chest knowing that I'm his mate and I wore his mark.

"I'm happy for you sky" Megan pulled me into a heart felt hug and started to jump around with glee, squealing making me giggle like a high school girl.

After our little session we set about finishing the dinner. Once we was done we set the tables and called all the members to come for dinner.

Xavier sat at the head of our table with me on his right and his beta on his left, josh was sat next to me on a cushion in order for him to reach the table with mr snuggles in this lap.

Some pack members that made eye contact with me bowed their in acknowledgment to me being Luna.

Xavier smiled and beamed with pride with his mate sitting next to him.

Dinner went smoothly, banter between the pack members, josh ate all his veggies, no arguments.

After everything was packed away I put josh to bed before having a shower and climbing in next to him, he snuggled up to my chest mumbling in his sleep with mr snuggles grasped in his hand.

Placing a kiss on his forehead, I fell asleep only to wake up minutes later to xavier's hand on my waist. He climbed in next to josh, wrapped his arm around his little frame with his hand wresting on my hip the pad of his thumb rubbing smooth circles.

Josh's other hand raised and lay on xavier's chest while he still slept peacefully. Smiling xavier kissed the top of his head before leaning forward and kissing me on my lips.

"I love you" I whispered against his lips, his breath hitched then he blew out of breath of cool air over my face before pecking my lips twice more and leaning back. "I love you too" he whispered back, a sleepy smile graced his swollen lips.

I closed my eyes, falling into the best sleep I've ever had. Countless dreams involving xavier, some including josh.

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