Chapter 15

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"Mommy... daddy" Josh's piercing scream ripped through the pack house in the middle of the night. I left him in bed sleeping while me, the alphas and the betas were in Xavier's office going over the final plans.

Dropping the current papers I was holding, I ran from the office toward our bedroom.

Josh baby mommy's coming!!! I called out to him through our link just as the power went out and the house was cloaked in darkness. Mommy their here!! His frightened little voice called back to me.

Sky ROGUES... Xaviers spoke just as I reached our bedroom door. Running straight in I payed no attention to my surroundings, I didn't notice the three wolves which were already inside the room with me until it was to late.

I called out Josh's name and heard a whimper from the darkest corner of the room. Dean stood there with his hand around my little boys neck, slowly squeezing his throat each time he moved.

"Josh baby, mommy needs you to keep really still for her okay" I told him sweetly, I knew he was terrified but he managed to do exactly what I said. I eyed to two wolves closest to me watching their every move, they looked ready to shift and attack at any given notice.

"Skylar oh how nice of you to join us, I was just introducing my two friends here to Josh, such a sweet boy" a sadistic grin graced Dean's face while he stood mockingly stroking Josh's hair. "I must say, you've been raising him extremely well"

The two rogues standing either side of me started to slowly move in towards me, I took a couple steps back prepared for them to attack but kept my eyes locked on josh. "Dean stop this and let him go, you will never get away with this" "Oh but I will, I don't think you understand. With me being able to have and command your little son here, you and your precious pack would be useless against me" Josh tried to move again scratching at the hand that held him in place, Dean tightened his hand cutting off his air supply before throwing him forward.

Josh's body was not prepared for the amount of force to which he was thrown with, his little legs unable to stop on from stumbling and hit the ground. His head hit the floor with such a force it was followed by a screech of pain before his eyes rolled back, leaving him unconscious.

In a bid to save her pup my wolf pushed past my control causing me to shift from my human former into our wolf. A snarl fell upon my face, baring my canines at Dean. The two rogues either side of me shifted crouching low on their front hinds preparing to attack, letting out low growls. Just as Dean phased to shift the two rogues attacked one jumping onto my back while the other attacked from the front full on, bouncing the one off my back I swiped my paw across the face of the other, my claws slicing through fur and skin.

With the first rogue back up he biting down on my back legs as I bite down on the neck of the other tearing his out throat. At this moment I saw Dean jaws clamp down on Josh's leg and drag his limp body over to the window, letting him go only to lock on his jaws on the clothes at his neck.

I managed to kick the last rogue off sending his crashing into the nearby wall, he let out a pained whine as this body his the floor. In moments I was able to look at Dean his eyes made contact with mine, a wolf smirk upon his face before the rogue attack once again with the image of Dean jumping from the window with my little boy in the jaws of his mouth.

Blind rage ripped through me as the sight of my son being taken painting my vision red, the rogue tried to escape through the window also but I pounced on his back. My paws and claws rained down on him in a frenzy of blows, my jaws biting a ripped at him till there was nothing left even then I didn't stop. My body shifted back into its human form and I still delivered punch after punch.

Only stopping when a pair of arm wrapped around my waist and I was pulled back into his, only then did I stop. Tears running down my face, sobs racking through my body, I clinging onto my mate I cried for our son. Xavier's tears where dripped onto the my head wetting my hair.

I vowed I will get him back, no matter what I will get him back.

With one last painful howl my world turned black as I fainted.

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