walk with me in the woods

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watching paranormal activity 4 and trying to type at the same time so come read with me.

Jeffs p.o.v

Me and jack left to the woods just walking by him got me all worked up I started daydreaming about me and jack wanting him to just swipe me off my feet and kiss me passionately not stopping till I was out of breath, then purposely nibbling on my lower lip and sucking on my toung then going down to my neck and sucking on it till it left a mark to let everyone know that I belong to him, I wish he would take me into his room and dominate me like a wild animal and chain me up like one too and pull out a belt to punish me hard, gripping my hair till I got a headache, bitting all over me, leaving marks all over my body, from hickie's to bite marks to scraches I don't care what he dose to me but the most he can do is a kiss on the cheek, or a accidental hand hold. My daydreaming was cut off by a popping sound I looked at jack and saw that he was chewing gum "sorry jeff is this bothering you"? "No, not really its fine actually" I gave a cute smile and we continued waking we came by a stream that was calm and carefully running "wow this is really cool I never seen a stream so calm" "I like to come hear to think and clear my head" we sat down and watched the stream I picked up a rock a tossed it in the river it skipped three times and I laughed, jack then found a rock a tossed it, it skipped five times "you seem skilled at this" "I do that sometimes to pass time" I then took off my shoes and dipped my feet in just playing with the water "its warm". I noticed jack staring at me watching my actions "is everything alright?" "Hm, yeah I'm fine" "why not join me" after I said that jack took off his shoes and dipped his feet in. We enjoyed the sweet silence but I then got tired of sitting and stood up walking around in the water, I walked over to a stone and sat on it jack then got up and came over to me "you seem a bit board jeff, is somthing wrong "? I looked into his eyes now realizing that they were silver and how big they were, I stared into his eyes for a littel longer but then our gaze was then interrupted by a butterfly landing on jacks long cone nose "hehe sorry mr butterfly but I'm not a flower" jack then took the butterfly off his nose, as it carefully sat atop his finger jack asked me "wanna see a magic trick"? "Sure" he took the butterfly in his hand and covered it for a few seconds then reopened his hand as the once to be butterfly was now a stemless rose "wow I'm impressed" we had a laugh and I then slid off the stone and we waked back to shore. I somehow lost my balance and fell over in the water also taking Jack down with me.

L.j's p.o.v

I fell down with jeff and we landed hard on the ground but the water made it less hard I then saw that I was compleatly on top of jeff our lips just seconds away I felt Jeff's warm breath across my lips as I stared into his big blue eyes, I then got up off jeff and helped him up "you alright mate"? "Yeah I'm fine thanks" I had jeff by his hands then let go and turnd around and walked off, I then felt something splash on my back only to realize that jeff had splashed water on me I then turned around and splashed back then it got really serious we had a water fight and we laughing like crazy just throwing water around after we've had enough we then went back to shore jeff then fell on me and we laughed he picked up his head and looked into my eyes I picked my head up a bit and jeff did the rest by pressing his lips on mine he tangled his hands in my hair and I rapped my arms around his waist, I then rolled over to put him on my side and continue kissing him. The kiss soon broke when jeff picked up his head, after a few moments of silence jeff got up and put on his shoes I soon followed after "umm, jeff" "c-can we not speak of this"? "Um s-sure" we walked back home in silence but I couldn't help but grab jeffs hand he looked back at me and I took my hand back jeff just looked at me "why did you pull away" "I thought that you might not accept it" "I dont mind" he then took my hand and we walked back to the house. When we got to the front door I gave jeff a kiss on the cheek and let go of his hand then we walked in, Sally came rushing at me "laughing jack, come play with me I've been waiting all day"! She said tugging and pulling I my arm "ok ok but hang on" she finally calmed down and I picked her up, and she then looked over my shoulder moving most of my feathers around I heard her whisper in my ear "laughing jack who's that"? I turned around so that way she can get a better look at jeff "how about you tell him your name" I put her down and she walked up to jeff, jeff then got down on one knee and looked at Sally "hi, I'm sally" she said sticking her hand out "hi I'm jeff the killer" jeff said shaking her hand. Sally then looked back at me "can we go play now jack"? "Sure, wanna come jeff"? "No I half to go and unpack" "ok then well see you later"

give me your heart (Jeff the killer x laughing jack)Where stories live. Discover now