gone for nine months

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Ok so my sickness is almost cured fully I mean I still cough hear and there but im fine so go on and start reading

L.j's p.o.v

I was so glad that jeff agreed to live at my carnival till the baby was born, this made me so happy but how were we going to tell slender? I thought about it and got a brilliant idea. I picked jeff up off the ground and teloported back to the mansion "l.j what are you going to do or say"? "Trust me jeff just agree with what I say, can you do that for me" jeff let out a sigh and put a hand on his stomach "fine but what if this dosn't work" "trust me, alright" "fine" we walked in and I saw ben on the couch "hey jeff where have you been, I got kinda worried" ben said in his stupid cute voice that I hate as he got up and walked over to jeff "I was out killing" "oh well ok just wanted to make sure that your safe" he keped talking in that voice, I was literally about to slap him right up side the head but I rolled my eyes and walked off with jeff. We got to slendy's office and I knocked on the door "come in" was the response that I got me and jeff walked in and slender sitting behind his desk he seemed to be writing somthing down "um slender I have a very important question to ask you" "alright then ask away" I cleared my throat and spoak up "c-can I go to London for a few months"? He stopped writing and looked at me as if I was crazy "what"? "I asked if I could go to London for a few months" "laughing jack are you serious"?! "Yes I am" I saw him give it some thought how many months are we talking" "nine" I then somhow figure that slender was happy that I was pretending to be going to London for nine months "alright laughing jack you may go" "oh and jeff wants to come with me" I then saw his expression go from happy to why am I taking jeff, over the past three weeks that jeff has lived hear almost everyone had fallen in love with him, slender then let out a sigh and said "fine, but how do you plan to get there" "simple, the same way that I got hear after I was freed from my box" he let out another sigh and went back to writing down what ever he was writing befor I interrupted and me and jeff walked out and closed the door, we then walked upstairs to go pack jeff a bag "you know, I've actualy always wanted to go and visit London, but my parents never had enough money" it made me happy that jeff really wanted to go and visit my home town "well jeffy maybe we can go to London someday" I saw his face light up "really, we can" "sure it would be nice for me to return home for a while" he stopped walking and gave me a hug "oh jackie your the best boyfriend ever" of course I hugged back without hesitation "and I think that you'll be the best father too" I love this killer he so sweet like candy but with a littel sourness in the middle. We got to his room and jeff got out a side bag from under his bed and packed a few clothes, after he was set we headed downstairs, as we were about to head out the door I saw that ben was till on the couch "hey where you too off to" "the lake, wanna join us"? I said sarcastically, ben just only glared at me. Soon sally came rushing in like she was I fire "laughing jack, come play with me"!! "Oh crap, what am I going to tell sally" I picked her up "sally I'm sorry but I half to go away for a few months" "awww but can you play with me for a while"? "Alright, hear I'll race you up the stairs, ready set go"! Sally then took off and I turned jeff "don't worried I giver her a candy that will make her take a long nap then we can leave" "alright but hurry" I smiled and puffed into Sally"s room "I win" "hehe your getting faster" I said pretending to be out of breath "sooo what is my reward for beating you" "hmmm how bout, a candy"? "I would love one" I gave her the candy and she popped it in her mouth, after I saw her swallow it I pick her up and spun her around she laughed, and then I put her down, I then saw her rub her eyes and yawn "is someone tired"? She raised her hand like a kid would in school I picked her up and just like that sally fell asleep in my arm's, as I was about to put her in bed I looked in the mirror and said "this going to be me when my child is born" I lifted sally up like she was my own kid, I played with her like she was my own kid, I was like the father that sally used to have but more active and magical. My daydreaming was then cut off by sally shifting her head to get comfortable I smiled and put her in bed with her bear and headed downstairs when I got down there I heard ben talking to jeff I peaked around the corner and watched what was going on It was hard to heard but i got a good veiw of what was going on. Out of nowhere ben started to hug jeff but thank god.that jeff didn't hug back after that ben kissed him and my heart dropped and broke I then just walked out with a mad look and saw that jeff was trying to push ben off but he wouldn't budge after that the kiss broke between them I saw that jeff was wiping his mouth, I know that when ever I'm mad my eyes turn full silver and new that jeff saw me in that matter and was a bit scared, I was still like that then just told jeff "lets go" and we walked out.

give me your heart (Jeff the killer x laughing jack)Where stories live. Discover now