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Dont let anyone tell you what to do, make the right decision in your life and dream big.

L.j's p.o.v

I woak up the next morning with my jeffy,
I yawned and kissed his forehead after that he woak up "moring" I said "*yawn* morning" I gave him another kiss on the head and rubbed his belly after that I sat up, as did jeff, he rapped his hands around my arms and rubbed the side of his face agenst my arm. "Someone's cuddly today" "I just want to hold you" he then kissed my cheek "and kiss you" he then licked my neck "and taste you" then he rested his head on my shoulder "and love you". I let him stay there for a little longer then I finally moved "I want to do all those things to with you" I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek "I love you so much" "same hear, I love you with all my heart" we then got out of bed, I got ready in a puff of grey smoke "l.j"? "Yes love" "are my clothes washed yet"? That made me remember what happend yesterday on how I washed his clothes. "They should be done, hear I'll go get them, but for now were this" I tossed jeff a pair of undergarments with a black skirt and a white tank top "your kidding" "hey its all I have right now" I keep some of the cloths from my victims because I like the way they look. "Ok just wait hear till I come back, ok"? "Fine" I left and went to go get Jeff's cloths after I got them out I turnd around and saw jeff walking down the stairs in the outfit I gave him but with a pair of my stockings on and his convers, my eyes went straight to his legs, my god how is he pulling this off? Also I never new that jeff had women's legs, and looked so hot in a black skirt.

Jeffs p.o.v

"L.j, I asked for my clothes" "hmm?, oh sorry jeff" I new that l.j was checking me out because his vision was focused on my legs. "Well I'm gonna go change" "oh ok" as I was walking back upstairs I new that jack was staring at my ass, then he started to mess with me by using his magic to lift up the skirt "jack stop I can feel that" he then stoped and sighed "fine you get one good look" I turnd around and saw that l.j was still focused on my legs and just to make a memorie he quickly took out his phone and snapped a picture, I just rolled my eyes and went up stairs to go chang. After that was done I went back down to l.j to speak about somthing. "Hey babe" "yes"? "Do you even have the supplies for a baby"? "Come to think of it, no" "well maybe we should go out and buy some things" I saw l.j give it some thought "well we are gonna need something's, like clothes, food, a changing table, diapers" "and a crib" "we won't need to buy crib" "yes we do" "no we don't" "then where is the baby gonna sleep jack"? L.j stayed silence for a few seconds then spoke up "well I was gonna show you this when you were a month pregnant, but since you brought it up I might a well show you now". L.j grabbed my hand and took me to a room that was next to ours, he opend the door and that's when I saw it, the crib, I walked in the room and saw that this was gonna be the nursery, l.j then went up to the crib still holding my hand, once I got a better look at it, it was beautiful, it had a knife, lollipop, and a skull head for the spinner, a black pillow, a white mattress, and a blood red blanket, and the entire crib was made out of thick bones. "So do you like it" "l.j I love it" I gave him a hug "I though you might, I made it myself" "you built it, but how" "well from when I was killing some victims I thought that since were gonna have a baby then why not make a crib out of bones to symbolize a killer" "oh l.j I love you" "I love you more" we then stopped hugging and left. "The room may need to be painted a few colors but other than that it looks good" "maybe after we go and get the thing for the baby, we can get some paint" "okay" I grabbed my wallet as did l.j after that well left the carnival, changed into our human forms and went to the store. "Ok love I have a question" "ask away" "how will we be able to carry all the stuff back"? He had a point, but luckily I have a way of getting things "hmm"? I looked around and saw that there was a car that looked big enough to fit what we needed, but the bad thing was that there was a couple in there getting ready to do the thing that got me pregnant "well there's a car over there" "jeffy"! "What"? "Can't you see that there are people in there" "here just follow me and my lead" l.j sighed and rold his eyes we then started to walk to the car, when we got close enough we hid behind it and changed into our normal form "now what do we do"? "Simple you go arou-" about a few seconds that I was into my plan me and jack felt the car start to shake "oh my god" I could see a slight blush forming on Jack's face "just go on one side and snap his neck" I said trying not to laugh "ok and what about you" "I'll do the same on the other side" we then went around and put my plan into action, l.j didn't wait for me so he qickly open the door and pulled the guy out and broke his neck, the girl screamed and thats when I went in the car and pulled the girl out and snapped her neck, in then end I was a bit upset because I didn't get to carve a smile on her "hey jeffy I got he keys" "ok" I walked over to l.j and looked at the guy all I saw something red in his pants pocket, I reached for it and saw that it was a knife that a gang member would use this made me very happy "I'll be right back" I went back to the girl and a carved a perfect smile on her making sure to not get blood on me. "Come on jeff lets go" I got up and in the car, we changed back in our human forms then headed into town and found a palace called moms and babies we parked the car and grabbed our wallets and walked in, so many women were in there. "So where do we start first" "well how about cloths" I looked around and saw that there was a little white hoodie so I walked over to it "hey l.j you comming" "hmm,? Oh yeah sure" we walked over to the cloths and saw that not as much of them were black, just pink blue and white.

give me your heart (Jeff the killer x laughing jack)Where stories live. Discover now