Chapter 3: Damaged

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Gerard POV 

I carry Blaze to my room. 

"What happen to her!" Mikey asked. 

"I'll tell you in a little bit. Help me open up the door," I said once I got to the front of my bedroom door. Mikey opened it and I lay Blaze on my bed. 

"Tell me what happened to Blaze," Mikey said. 

"She was getting raped by a jock that goes to our school." I said. 

"What wrong with her arm?" Mikey said looking at her arm. 

I looked at it, too. It was bandaged up. Why was it bandaged? I looked at her arm again. There was red stains in a line. 

"No, she wouldn't," I said. 

"You thought that too, didn't you," Mikey said. 

"Go call Mom," I said. 

Mikey leaves my room and I stay with Blaze. She was still shaking. I held her hand. 

I hear footsteps coming from the stairs. 

"Gerard!" Mom said. "What's wrong with Blaze?" 

"Mom, I was walking and I heard someone screamed for help. I follow the voice and saw it was Blaze's. I then saw she was getting rape by some guy from school." I said. 

"Oh my God!" Mom said and sat next to me.

I looked back at Blaze, who was starting to wake up. 

"Hmm, Gee?" Blaze said rubbing her eyes. 

"Blaze, are you okay?" I said. 

"N-no," Blaze said shaking very violently. 

"I'll get her some blankets and a pill," Mom said. But before she left she asked Blaze a question. 

"He didn't... you know..." Mom said awkwardly. 

"No he didn't, he just touched me, but he was getting there," Blaze said. 

"Okay, well then, I'll get some blankets then," Mom said and left.

 Mikey went with Mom so I can talk to Blaze. Blaze was still shaking. I didn't know if she wanted a hug, so I just sat close to her. 

"It's okay Gee, you can hug me," Blaze said. 

I pull her for the hug. She was cold and shaking. Blaze rested her head on my chest. 

"Why were you walking at night?" I asked. 

"I got pissy at my brother," Blaze said. 

She and Carlos had a lot of fights. Blaze usually came to me or Mikey when she got pissy. 

I wanted to ask her about her arm. Why the fuck was it bandaged up?



"Why is your arm bandage?" I asked. 

She lifted her head so she can see me. Blaze then broke the hug and just sat there, looking at space. 


No answer. 

"Blaze, you tell me what happen." I said kindly. 

"Imutmyshelf," I heard Blaze mumble. 


"I cut myself," Blaze said looking at me with tears running down her face. 

I pull Blaze into a tight hug. She was damaged. Blaze started to cry into my shoulder. She is broken and damaged and I am going to fix her. But there was one problem. How was I going to fix Blaze when I myself am depressed? 

No. I am determine to fix her first. Blaze is first before me. I love Blaze and she deserves to live more than I do. 

She's beautiful and smart and has a bright future ahead. I on the other hand, I'm a failure. The only thing I didn't fail at was art and singing. I can maybe start a band or sell my art? But what happens when that doesn't work? 

"I'm going to fix you, Blaze," I said to her ear.

She started to sob more. Mom and Mikey came in and left the blankets there. 

"Do you want to call your mom, Blaze?" Mom said. 

"Yeah," Blaze said wiping her tears aways and dialed the phone number. 

"Mom?" Blaze said. 

"I-I'm here with the Ways," Blaze said. She took a deep breath. 

"Mom. Don't be mad at me, but, I was getting raped." Blaze said closing her eyes. 

"Gerard found me in the middle of the rape. He punched the guy, Mom." Blaze said with tears falling from her eyes. 

"Okay Mom. Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, I love you." Blaze said and hanged up. 

Blaze started to cry and I pull her for another hug. 

Mom and Mikey left the room, leaving me with Blaze crying. I hated to see Blaze, the girl I love, cry. I hated to see Blaze in sorrow. I hate seeing Blaze sad. I wanted her to be happy, but this world is ugly, but Blaze is beautiful to me. 

After about five minutes of Blaze crying, she fell asleep in my arms. I lay her and covered her with a blanket. She was still shaking in her sleep. 

I sat on a chair that was next to my desk and started to draw. I drew Blaze sleeping on a meadow. Instead of her having her uniform on, she had on a black dress. She is beautiful in the drawing.

After I finished the drawing, I put in on a drawer and looked at Blaze. She looked peaceful now. Blaze stopped shaking.

I went next to her and remove a few strands of hair that was on her face. She was too beautiful to be damaged. Blaze didn't deserved all that she's going through. No woman does.

I leaned over her face. I wanted to kiss her, but I couldn't. I kept leaning in until I was hovering over her lips. I held my breath and felt her's. I lean in a little bit more and felt the ring of her lips. I shivered as I felt her ring of her lips. 

I kept debating if I should kiss her or not. Finally, I decided not to but I was still hovering over her lips. I kissed her check, too close to her lips. 

I sat at my chair and headed to the living room. I looked at the time, it was already eleven PM. 

Mom, Mikey, and Dad were in the living room. 

"How's Blaze?" Dad asked. 

"She's asleep." I said sitting on the couch next to Mom and rested my head on her shoulder. 

"It's a shame of what that idiot try to do with her. If they blame her, I will loose it!" Mom said. 

"It's not her fault." Dad said. 

"Why was she walking in the dark?" Mikey asked. 

"She said she was pissed off at Carlos." I said. 

We knew that wasn't the full story she was telling us. There was more but I think she didn't want to say it yet. 

"She self harms," I said quietly. 

We all fell in silence. I guess it was a shock to them too. Mom then said it was time to sleep, so I went to my room and grabbed my uniform, a pillow, and a blanket. Before I left, I went over to Blaze. She was still sleeping. 

I lean in again. I kept leaning until I was hovering over her lips again. I felt her breath and it made me shiver. I then gently press my lips against her's. When I pull back, she didn't wake up. I smiled at her and left my room. 

I love a damaged girl. But I am going to fix her, even if it kills me.

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