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  Gerard and Blaze dated all through high school.

 Gerard got accepted into an art collage in New York and Blaze got accepted in an art collage in California. 

 They break up before each of them leave for collage. They both agreed it was better this way. 

 After Blaze finish collage, she had her first art display with a lady named Lindsey Ballato. 

 After Gerard finish collage, he started on a comic book series. Gerard finish the book after having ten books and started a band. The band was call My Chemical Romance.

 Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray, and Bob moved to California to pursue their careers.

 Blaze worked as an artist and at a Hot Topic store. She had a new look. She no longer had black hair. She had brown hair with colorful dreads. 

 Gerard and Mikey went to Hot Topic one day to buy a couple of jeans there. The worker helping the guys looked familiar to them. 

 Gerard looked in the girl's eyes and recognized her. It was Blaze.

 Blaze didn't recognize Gerard until he hugged her and said "Blaze!"

 Gerard and Blaze kept contact with each other since the day. They were best friends. They no longer loved each other the way they did in high school. They were best friends. 

 A year later, Blaze introduce Lindsey Ballato to Gerard. Blaze knew they're going to be great 'friends'. It was all her plan to hook Lindsey and Gerard together.

  Another year, Lindsey and Gerard were dating. Blaze found a new love. His name was Austin. After Austin and Blaze dated for a year, Austin asked Blaze to be his wife. Blaze said yes. 

 Lindsey was Blaze maid of honor and Gerard was Austin best man. 

 A month after the wedding, Gerard asked Lindsey to marry him. She said yes.

 They got married a year later. Blaze as the maid of honor, Austin as the best man.

 Four years later, Bandit Lee Way and Midnight Rena Carlile were born. 

 Bandit and Midnight were best friends growing up. Bandit learn how to sing from Gerard, her dad. Midnight learned how to play guitar from uncle Ray, Frank, Phil, and Alan. 

 At the age 20, Bandit and Midnight formed a band together call 'The Reckless & The Brave' along with Cherry and Lily Iero. 

 The Ways, the Carliles, the Ieros, the Toros, the Arteagas, the Manansalas, the Ashbys, and the Pauleys stayed friends.

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