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I watched as Evelyn examined the remaining tissue on the skeleton.I needed the tissue off so I could examine the bones and fractures.

"Are you almost done Eve?" I asked impatiently.

"Not yet." She responded and threw me a look over her shoulder. "Be patient."

"Eve. It's Valentine's Day. I wanna get home so I can cook us Italian because you can't find yourself a boyfriend."

"Shhh." She gave me a glare and went back to work.

"Evie." I complained and started messing with the test tubes full of different chemicals on the counter next to me.

"Don't touch those." She said and removed the last amount of tissue. "There. Happy?"

"Very." I said and hopped off the counter. Quickly I examined the body and found three post-mortum fractures. Along with the post-mortum I found a handful of pre-mortum.

"What's it looking like?" Eve asked from over my shoulder.

"The boyfriend did it. He broke her ribs pre- and post-mortum. The shattered bone fragments are in the heart." I said and we packed up for the night before calling for Italian take-out.

"This is good." Eve said as we sat in the couch in our comfortable two bedroom apartment.

"When are you going to get a boyfriend Eve?" I asked.

"I don't know. I don't know." She said and we sadly ate our take-out in silence.

So much for her getting one by Valentine's Day. I thought and frowned glumly.

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