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*Evie's POV & 10 years later*

I smiled as I watched my children run around the house. When we had our first child, Esmeralda, we were still in the apartment, but now we had our dream room.

"You can't catch me!" Esmeralda called to her younger brother and sister.

"Sure we can!" Mason called and ran at her from one direction while his sister, Vanessa, ran at her from the other.

I smiled and laughed along with them.

Lance walked in and wrapped his arms around me before placing a kiss to our youngest son's forehead. We were blessed with having four children and Jeremiah just made everything complete.

We were happy. And everyone got together on every holiday, birthday, and Grave Day.

I smiled and sat Jeremiah down in his little Pac 'n play and watched the there others run around.

"Okay guys." Lance called and smiled sadly. "We need to start thinking about getting ready to leave. You know how your mom is with being there on time." He chuckled and they all nodded before going to change.

"Lance?" I called and played with baby Jeremiah's feet. "Do you think she's happy?"

"I know she is." He replied and kissed my cheek.

Our kids walked downstairs a few minutes later all wearing very similar outfits. A plain purple tee shirt, some jeans and a pair of tennis shoes.

I smiled sadly remembering all the times we had and went to change myself.

As soon as I returned we grabbed Jeremiah, and went to the car.

We arrived at the grave and smiled sadly. Silently saying a prayer.

We all got out and sat down with Seeley, Temperance, Christine and Parker waiting for the others to arrive.

We didn't wait long as they were there within moments. We all silently said hello and talked to her. We all silently cried over our loss and helped each other.

Esmeralda got up to speak and what she said stunned us all.

"Hey guys. I know you miss me but, be glad you're still here. Seal, your daughter is beautiful. Temperance, kick my brother's ass for me, will you? Angie, keep fighting. Cam, your daughter loves you. Jack, I miss you. Lance, thank you for making her happy and giving her a beautiful ten years and four babies and I hope you get many more. Kids, I'm sorry we couldn't meet. And lastly, Evie, I'm sorry I left when I did, it was time to join my dad though. I love you all so much and I want you to keep moving on." She smiled and we all sat speechless.

I'll try. I thought and nodded, tears running down my face.

We all missed her, but through her ashes, came Beauty. And through that Beauty, came love. And through that love, came this family we have. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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