Eve........ I'm sorry.

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*Eve's POV*

It's been a couple months since Bonny died. My Bonny. And, every time I think about her, or someone says her name, or we see the pictures I refuse to take down in the apartment, I get a little bit sadder. Even now. Now, I've been with Lance for about a month.

I walked into the office/lab and saw that someone had left a muffin basket on my desk. No one but Bonny ever gets, got, me a muffin basket.

"Hello?" I called, my hand reaching for my phone.

"It's, uh, it's been a while?" The one voice I thought I'd never hear again said.

Quickly, I turned around, and much to my regret, I punched her. In the face. Before hugging the life out of her.

"I'm so sorry Eve." She whispered. And I could tell she felt bad.

"You're sorry?" I demanded. "I had to watch them lower what I thought was you into the ground. Do you realize how hard it's been? How long it took for me to be able to come back here?" I glared and pulled away from her, not noticing the tears already rolling down her cheeks. "Not even Jack was able to help me pull my friggin' head out of my arse. Why the Hell did you do that?"

She looked down and whimpered quietly. I know I shouldn't be mad but I'm livid. And no matter what she can't take back what happened.

"I'm sorry." She said and wiped away the tears that had slowly started to fall onto her shirt.

"I don't care about you being sorry. Sorry won't fix the fact that I thought you were dead." I practically shouted.

I didn't notice the way her breath hitched or the way her face started to turn red.

"I want you out of my lab, right now." I could've been nicer, but I was mad.

When I didn't receive an answer, I looked at her and instantly called Booth.

"Booth. Get your ass over here before I have to autopsy Bonny." I hung up after that and tried to think of what to do.

Coming up empty I sighed and was about to walk away when I heard her soft sobs. And although I knew she couldn't breath, I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed the air out of her.

"Shh. I'm not mad. I just, you scared me is all." I gently stroked her hair and started humming I Wouldn't Mind to her. "It's going to be okay."

She sobbed softly until her brother got there. As soon as he walked in the room she got up, ran at him, and clung to him like a four-year-old does to their parent.

"Hey. Bonny. It's okay." He said in a soothing tone and let her nuzzle his neck.

I was at a lost for words. Bonny was never that touchy-feely with anyone.

"Bonny, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know." She replied truthfully and just let her brother hold her.

What did we get into?

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