Lance and Eve, the beginning

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It started off as a simple day. Cam, Doctor Saroyan, and her "squints", as Seely Booth calls them, were coming to our little lab. I groaned at the word. Squint.

Eve and I hated that word. Sure, we have nerd glasses we wear when we look at the screens too long and lab coats but we are definitely not squints.

I hadn't told Eve and knew she was going to lock me out tonight. But I hope she understands. She hadn't seen her cousin Jack Hodgins in a long time.

I busied myself with cleaning up as Eve was at lunch. I knew they'd be here soon.

And a few minutes later the Jeffersonian's team of talented people walked in.

"Cam. Temp. Jack. Ange. Zack. Lance. Booth." I said addressing the various people standing in the office I shared with my best friend.

"Hey there Bonita.(Bön-ita)" Cam said.

"What's up Lady Bones?" Zack asked and we smiled.

"Oh, nothing." I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "Eve'll be back in a few."

"I'm so excited." Jack said and jumped up and down in excitement.

"I can see that now calm down." Ange said and gave her husband a look.

"How's the case you're working going?" Temp asked and we smiled.

"Easy. As. Pie." I said and smiled.

"Bonnie? I'm ba-." My best friend said and dropped her keys on the floor enveloping her cousin in a hug.

"Eddie." He said and wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay. I'm right here."

We all smiled and laughed quietly.

"You two are so cute." Ange and I said at the same time as we all snapped a picture or two.

"Shove off Bonnie." Eve said and gave me the "you're in the doghouse" look.

I knew she'd do that.

But nobody could expect what was going to happen next.

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