What did you do?

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*Seely's POV*

I stared down at the only person, besides Bones, who's seen me cry. I can't. I refuse to lose her.

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes and looked at the squints.

"She's gone." I somehow managed to stutter out.

"Oh, Booth." Ange said and frowned, giving me a sympathetic look. "We all miss her."

Everyone else just looked confused and sympathetic.

When Evelyn walked back into the room I glared at her. "This is all your fault."

I stood up and carried my baby sister out of the room bridal style.

I hated lying to everyone, but it was needed.

"Are we out of the room?" She asked quietly and opened an eye to look at me.

"Yeah. It's okay." I said and we shared a mischievous smirk.

"Seely?" She said and started drawing simple designs into my chest.

"Yes?" I answered and carried her to my car.

"Are we really doing the right thing?" She asked and looked up at me with a sad gleam in her eyes.

"Yes. Don't worry. I promise it's the right thing to do." I said and kissed her head.

We smiled and got in the car, driving to mom's house so she could hide out.

*Ange's POV*

I can't believe it. She couldn't have. No. Not my Bonita.

Evelyn looked sad and I glared at her.

"How dare you. How dare you." I demanded of her and glared. "This is all your fault."

"Ange. Hun. Calm down." Jack said.

"Don't tell me to calm down Jack!" I said and pushed him away. I quickly left the office and went home and cried.

*Bones' POV*

What? I thought as I watched Booth leave with the completely not dead girl in his arms. I could see her breathing and I just looked at Sweets confused.

Sweets shrugged and we all just sorta left Evelyn alone after Ange left.

*Eve's POV*

How did..... what hap-..... my Bonny. I cried and sat on the floor. What did I do?

I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and I looked up at them.

It was.......... Sweets.

"It's okay. If I know the Booths, and I do, then Seely won't stay mad at you for very long." He said, and it oddly, made me feel better.

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