Chapter 16

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Calvin's POV

It was about a month later: December 10th. I had been sneaking over to her house all the time lately. Every time we did, we played guitar, just like today. It was still snowing like crazy all the time, so I frequently had to stay later than expected - not that I was in any way complaining. Today was one of those days.

We had just gotten finished with guitar when I went back to sit on the couch. Taylor followed me and came to sit on  my lap, resting her forearms on my shoulders with that gorgeous smile of hers facing right towards me.

"Well hello, there." I said grinning.

"Hello," she said leaning in to kiss me. "So what do you suggest we do now? We have about an hour left before 7."

"I think I have an idea..." I said smiling at her

"Ooh, what's your idea?"

"Why, 20 Questions of course!"

"You dork!" She teased, laughing that adorable laugh of hers.

"Maybe, but I'm your dork."

"That is very true." She said kissing me again.

"Anyways, shall I go first or you?" I asked when she pulled away.

"You. Ask me anything, but you have to answer it too."

"I don't think that's how you play 20 Questions."

"Well this can be our version!"

"Alright, then... favorite color?"



"Aw, we make Christmas together."

"Yes we do," I said, laughing at her dorkiness. It was adorable.

"Ok, so speaking of Christmas, favorite holiday?"

We looked at each other for a second before both saying "Christmas" at the same time and kissing afterwards.

"Ooh, I have an idea." She said

"What's your idea?"

"Every time we give the same answer, we have to kiss."

"I like this idea." I said with a smile.

"Good! Your turn."

"Cats or dogs?"

"Um... cats, obviously"

"What a coincidence, me too!" I said, leaning in to kiss her.

"You totally just asked me that so you could kiss me."

"Aw, was it that obvious?"

"Just a bit. Tea or coffee?"


"Me too" and another peck on the lips.

Quickly, the game became a way to kiss each other as we kept asking questions that we already knew the answer to.

"Ok, so do you prefer the guitar or the trumpet?" I asked with a smug smile.

"Ok, now you're not even trying to be creative."

"Sorry, I just ran out of ideas. Guess you can say I just really enjoy kissing you."

"Hmm well I can definitely say the same. Maybe we could just skip the questions part from now on, what do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea, I'll start!" I said, leaning in to kiss her once more, my hand moving up to her hair again. This didn't last long until it quickly turned into a full on make out session.

I have no idea how long it lasted, but it felt like it was way too short. It always did with her. I don't think it would ever be long enough. I'd never felt like I needed someone this much before, but that's how it was with Taylor.

After what inevitably felt like too little time, we pulled away to breathe. Our foreheads touched and we stared straight into each other's eyes. I loved her eyes. They were like crystals, but they were worth so much more than gems to me. I was lost in them. Her eyes, however, wandered towards the clock behind me.

"Oh no. It's 7 already. How did that happen?"

"Guess we just got carried away"

"Well unfortunately this means you have to go."

"Yeah... well, not necessarily."

"What do you mean? You have to, the weather alert said 7pm."

"So what? Doesn't mean I have to go, it just means I can go."

"Maybe for normal people, but for us, it means you have to go. We're not normal people."

"But we could be! As long as that door is closed, and we're together, we can be normal people. We can be normal for as long as we want." I said, kissing her. She began to kiss me back, and right when I'd thought I'd convinced her, she pulled away again.

"But, Adam, we're NOT normal people," she said, standing up. "We're Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris. We're giant celebrities and the media tracks our every move. Sure, we could stay in here until the food runs out. But they will know what's going on, or worse, they'll make up stories about what's going on! If you don't leave now, they will know about us!"

"But is that so bad? Would it really be so horrible if the world knew about our relationship?"

"Of course it would! They would ruin me! They would ruin you. I know what they're capable of, I've been a victim of it so many times. They ruin everything. They ruin every relationship, and I can't have them ruin this one!"

"They don't have to ruin this one. Taylor, I really believe that we can face them. I really believe that we're strong enough to not let them hurt us."

"You can believe it but it doesn't make it true. It's how my last relationship ended. He couldn't take the heat, and he walked out to escape the pressure."

"I would never do that! Taylor, trust me, I would never leave you. Don't you trust me?"

"Adam... I trust that you mean that right now. But everyone means it when they say that. They really believe it'll never happen, and then it does. I don't want you to do that too. I don't want them to ruin us, too!"

"The only thing that is going to ruin this relationship is us continuing to hide. Enough is enough."

"Nothing is being ruined right now because we're keeping this a secret!"

"Taylor I'm not happy like this. I can't keep sneaking around. I promise you I will never leave. I need you to trust me on that or this can't work. Do you believe me?"

There was a long silence

"I want to."

"But you don't."

"But I want to!"

"BUT YOU DON'T, TAYLOR" I yelled. I didn't mean to, but I was worked up at this point. My vision was a mix of dark blue, red, light blue, and black.

"Then what now? What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to believe me. I can't do this if you don't believe me."

There was a pause.

"Then I guess you shouldn't do this anymore." she said

My expression quickly formed into one of confusion and hurt. "What?"

"If you can't do this anymore, then don't, because I can't do this either."


"Just go."

I stood there in silence for a minute. I had no other option now. So, without another word, I turned around, gathered my things, and left.

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