Chapter 26

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Calvin's POV

It was December 23rd, 1 day before Christmas Eve. 5:46pm.

Taylor and I were sitting on the living room couch, along with the rest of her family, watching The Polar Express. I had my arm around her, and the side of her head was pressed into the side of my chest. As the movie ended, Andrea sat up and said,

"Don't you just love that movie? It's my personal favorite. Anyways, everybody ready?"

"Ready for what?" Taylor asked, sitting up.

"Well, to go ice skating like we always do on the 23rd! You haven't forgotten, have you?"

"Um, mom... Calvin's leg is still injured." I looked down at Taylor as she said that, my vision going light blue.

"Oh, goodness, I'm sorry, it just slipped mind. Well, that's ok, we don't have to go every year!" She said, trying to sound as sincere as possible, though I could read the disappointment in her eyes.

"Well, hey, you all can still go, I don't want to cause you to break family tradition." I said, earning a smile from Andrea that unfortunately seemed to indicate disappointment once again.

"Well, that's very sweet, but I don't wanna just leave you here alone while we all go have a good time!"

Just as I was about to insist that they go ahead, Taylor interrupted.

"But he won't be alone. I'll stay here."

"Taylor, you really do not have to do that."

"I want to do that." she said, looking up at me with an expression that appeared to say "trust me." It was apparent that Taylor had planned something else. Remembering my promise now to give her whatever it took to make her happy, I had no choice. I nodded my head reluctantly as I said "ok," to which Taylor smiled.
I watched her hug her mom and dad goodbye as they headed out the door, Taylor practically rushing them out.

6pm. Once they were out, Taylor stepped outside and waved as they drove away. She soon walked inside, quickly shutting the door behind her, and looked straight at me. My vision was still light blue, but I didn't think hers was.

"You really could've gone with them. I'd have been fine here."

"Adam I'm very surprised at you."

"Why?" I said, thinking for a second that she was mad at me.

"I'm surprised that you haven't been so quick to catch on like you usually are. Quick to catch on to the fact that I did remember about the ice skating tradition. In fact I have been waiting for this day specifically because of it ever since we arrived here."

"Then why didn't you-"

"Man, you're slow today. Anyways, the reason that I did not go is because I have had something planned for us to do in the amount of time that we will now be alone."

"Ok, and what would that be?"

"Aw, that's the surprise part of it!" She said, running upstairs as I began to follow before she quickly turned around and said, "oh no, you stay down here. I'll be back shortly."

She came back down a few minutes later with a bag filled with items I didn't know the identity of.

"What's in the bag?" I asked curiously.

"Man, you're not good at this whole surprise thing are you?" she teased.

"Taylor as much as this is intriguing me, I must remind you that we are two celebrities that appear to be planning to go somewhere alone at 6 in the evening. Isn't there a problem with that picture?"

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