Road back to camp

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After my very, VERY long disappearance from here, I'm back to writing and with a new chapter!



What the hell are we gonna do now?

"I guess we have to walk." I said and Chronos glared at me.

He had lost his powers about half an hour ago, and he wasn't okay. Ha, now he's more like us and probably less powerful than me.

Hell yeah.

"So, what are you waiting for? Can't walk if you don't have your powers?"

Chronos glared and stood up from the rock he was sitting on.

"Shut up."

He started walking towards the right side of the forest.

"Wrong side."

He turned around and walked the other way.


We had been walking for about an hour when I heard a growl. I tensed, touching the golden comb which was currently in my hair.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Chronos, not looking towards him.

He tensed "Yeah."

We stood back to back until I heard a growl right in front of me. I took the comb out of my hair and it turned into the silver and golden bow, which I don't use as much as people would think I'd do. I took my ballpoint pen out and took the cap of, turning it into a quiver full of arrows.

A hellhound emerged from the bushes and barked. It jumped towards me and I shot an arrow.
The hellhound yelped and turned into golden dust, leaving my arrow on the ground. Chronos raised an eyebrow and looked at me.
"You almost missed."

I rolled my eyes. "Atleast I can fight. You stop time and stab someone in the eye while they're not moving."

"Watch what you say," he said, his eyes looking at me dangerously. "You are disrespecting a powerful god."

"Honey, that's your high ego talking and you are barely a god now. Learn some respect."

"Did you just call me honey."

"Yes I did just call the god of time honey. Problem?"

He glared at me and then rolled his eyes. "Let's go." He walked off.

"Wrong way." He turned around and went the other way.

"Idiot." I said under my breath.

"I heard that!"

I rolled my eyes, grabbed my arrow from the floor and followed him. "Of course that's the only power you have left. The power to hear when people are talking bad about you."

"That's not a power that's old age."

I looked at him with my eyebrow raised. "I'm pretty sure the older you get the less you can hear."

He looked at me, annoyed. "There's this one moment in adulthood when you can hear everything teenagers are saying under their breath to insult you."

I smirked and turned my bow back into my comb. "Long adulthood if you're immortal I'm guessing."

"You don't even want to know."

We kept walking, taking breaks every hour or so and trying to see if Chronos had got his powers back or to train me so I improved.
In the moments we weren't talking, I'd look at my surroundings, taking it all in. You really learn to appreciate a walk in the forest when you're not getting attacked by monsters.

I looked at Chronos, who seemed stressed about not having his powers or his immortality. He kept looking at his hands and sighing, but he didn't day anything about it. I was concerned over how quiet he kept it, since a god loosing their powers seemed something big.

"If it makes you feel any better, mortals and demigods have never had the kind of powers you hav- I mean had. We had to face a lot of hardships without any assistance from anything or anyone."
I looked up and the tree tops, smiling. "But it makes us great. We learn from our experiences no matter how tough and we live a live no other creature, immortal or God can live. You're lucky enough to be able to live that now."

Chronos stops for a second, looking forward with eyes unfocused as he thought over what I said. "I suppose you're right." He then sighed, "It's going to take me a while to get used to it, but eventually I'll be fine." He resumed walking, catching up to me as we advanced through the forest.

It wasn't long after that that Camp Half-Bloods border was visible, we had arrived. I hesitated and then turned to Chronos "We need to do this in a smart way, if I just walk in I'll get a javelin thrown at me."

"You have time powers don't you? Use them to stop them from doing anything." He said shrugging.

I looked at him with my eyebrow raised but realized he wasn't going to pay attention to any kind of response I'd give.

"Well," I said breathing deeply "Let's go."

Reyna Jackson, daughter of PoseidonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu