An Explanation

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Short chapter, but rn I have little energy and ideas.

Hope you enjoy!

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As soon as I walked in people starting yelling and suddenly everyone was rushing towards me, weapons ready to stab into me.

"Woah!" I said and swung my arms down. Time slowed, but didn't stop.
"Well, I'll have to rush my speech."

Squared myself and raised my hands as I were at gunpoint. Campers were still running for me, but it was as if they were trying to run through thick honey.

"Okay, so I know that me running away is not the most convincing thing when I'm trying to defend myself, but I did it because you guys started seeing me as a threat and came after me. I didn't know what to do or if you'd listen to me, so I ran." I saw some people stop (slowly, that is). "I discovered I had powers, but they're not from Kronos, at least not the one with a K. I've been training in using my powers but after an incident it became clear that Kronos is really powerful right now. He didn't posses me, I'm not evil and if you don't want Kronos to come back you'll have to believe me."

The few that were still running stopped. I swung my arms down again and time returned to normal. Campers looked at each other, whispering as they looked at me.


I saw Percy running towards me and I smiled, walking to him. He hugged me and then stepped back, gripping my shoulders. "Don't ever run like that ever again. I was terrified something had happened to you."

I shrugged. "Sorry Percy, I'll try-" He gave me a look "...I wont run away like that again."

He hugged me again and we started walking back. I heard Chronos coughing behind me and I turned "Don't tell me you're sick."

He glared at me "You could've said something nicer."

"I am not taking care of you if you get sick."

 He straightened "If I was actually sick I'd drag you down wi-"

He coughed again and fell to his knees. I sped towards him "Okay, are you actually-"

Golden trails appeared all around him and for a second I thought he was getting back his powers. But then I felt it. The dark and menacing power, the honey coated slowness.                          Kronos. 

A face of golden trails appeared and a hand moved towards Chronos. I moved my hands sideways, trying to make time slow down where he was, but it wasn't working. I yelled in frustration and thrust my hands foward. I felt myself get freed from Kronos's time slowness and ran towards him, taking my sword and slashing his arm. It went back to being trails of gold and I took my bow and arrow, shooting one right at his face. He growled and I felt him looking at me.

"I will get you. You won't have time to escape."

He disappeared and everything went back to normal. Chronos was laying on the floor, breathing heavily. I sat him up "You chill?"

He glared "Wh-what do y-you think?" He said between breaths. I smiled, shaking my head as I helped him get up. He leaned on me for support and Percy helped me by supporting him from the other side. "You need to tell us what's happening. This could be bigger than we think it is."

"You have no idea."

We gave Chronos time to rest as I had lunch with Percy and his friends. Nico wouldn't stop looking at me and Percy, so I looked at him questioningly. He shrugged "Just thinking of how you guys are really alike." Percy looked at him, then at me. "I mean, we are siblings."

"You're also siblings with Tyson, yet you don't look anything like each other." Commented Leo, who proceeded to shove an entire slice of pizza in his mouth. Percy shrugged "Yeah, but Tyson and I are half-brothers, me and Reyna are full siblings."

"Wow Percy, you actually used correct grammar." Said Annabeth. I cackled and Percy gave me a glare, but he was smiling. "Very funny, Annabeth."

Hazel leaned on her hands "So, where were you before you came here?"

I swallowed my piece of pizza "Well, the month before I came here I was in boarding school."

"Boarding school?" Asked Rachel "Was it prim and proper like the ones I've had to go to?"

"Not really, it was more 'normal'. That's where I met Luke." The I remembered "Wait, where's Luke?"

Leo, Nico and Percy looked everywhere except at me. I narrowed my eyes "Where is he."

Piper sighed "He's locked up in the Big House."

"He's what?!" I said, standing up. "Why?!"

"Well, for starters, he is supposed to be dead." Said Leo.

"What you said about it being his fault that Kronos possesed you made him an enemy." Said Nico.

"And also we didn't know what he was going to do after you left, so we locked him up." Jason said, shrugging. "It's for his own safety and ours."

I sighed, passing a hand through my face. "Can I see him?"

Annabeth and Percy looked at each other worriedly, but after looking at my face he sighed "Fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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