My brother, Luke and Kronos.

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Dad was nervous.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me nervously, then looked back at the letter on his hand.

"Remember the stories I told you about your brother?" He asked. I nodded, thinking about my brothers name.

Percy Jackson, short for Perseus. The stories dads told me about him make look as a hero, and I know he is one.

"Well," dad continued. "He doesn't know he has a sister."

I let that enter my brain.

"Do you mean that..."

" far as he's concerned he has never had a sister."

I punched dad, yes, I know, punching gods especially one of the big three isn't something you should do, but I was mad. I always thought that I would meet my brother and he would say hi sis, one day you'll be a hero just like me. But if he ever met me, it would me with a face that is confused, and with the most hurtful words a brother could give.

Do I know you?

I ran to my room and slammed the door. I buried my face on the bed, not realizing that Hera was there. When I finally did notice, the only thing I said was, "What do you want?" She sat next to me.

"It was too dangerous for him to know about you. You two are very powerful, and if you had been together in your childhood what may have happened would be devastating to the world." She said. I turned to face her.

"Then why did you tell me?" I asked. Hera sighed, "You weren't so much in harms way, you were neutral because we didn't involve you in battles, but Perseus was in a prophecy, in two actually. He was powerful and you two meeting could have brought the world down. We were trying to protect you."

I breathed deeply. "Okay, but why was dad nervous? I mean he already knew about this." I said. Hera smiled.

"Because you're going to meet him."


I hopped from one foot to another. I was meeting my brother!

I packed everything I needed, plus my dj stuff. I grabbed my jade ring, which if opened sprayed sleeping powder and my golden hair comb with pearls given to me by Apollo and Artemis through Hestia, which turned into a silver and golden bow. From my pocket I took out a ballpoint pen that when you took the cap off, a quiver filed with arrows would appear. If I was out of arrows it would transform into a sword with the Poseidon sign on it.

I grabbed my bag and sprinted down the stairs. I found my dad waiting for me. When he saw me he smiled, but I could tell he was worried.

"It will be fine, don't worry." I said, hugging him. He smiled at me and teleported us to Camp-Half-Blood.

We appeared in the outside borders, just beside what everyone called Thalia's tree. Chiron the centaur, who dad had told me was the activities director, was waiting for us, with my brother Percy and a blond girl I didn't recognize. He looked stunned, and as I walked over to him I began, for some reason, feeling calm. I reached them.

"Hi, my name is Reyna Jackson and I'm your sister." I said.

The blond girls mouth fell open. Percy seemed unable to move. I shouldn't have come, I knew this was going to happen.

Reyna Jackson, daughter of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now