Learning this is just as fun as learning in school

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Hi guys! Haven't seen you in a while!

Let's just go straight to the story!

And I thought learning how to control time was fun.

Train, make stuff be frozen in midair by stopping the time around it's volume, stopping flying objects at will, helping me land softly by making time slower around my body, so fun!

Unless you've tried like a hundred times and STILL HAVEN'T DONE IT.

I yelled, frustrated from the dam rock I was trying to stop from falling.

"IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" I yelled again. Chronos watched me, with a mixture of annoyance and humor.

"There's no improvement by yelling it out to the world you know." I looked at him.

Gods did he want a punch in the face.

"How am I even supposed to do it?" I asked. Chronos sighed and threw a rock up into the air, before looking at it and making it freeze. I looked at the rock and then at him. I stared at him. He arched an eyebrow at me. He didn't even look like he was concentrating on the rock.

"See? Easy." He said, throwing another rock into the air. I glared at him.

"Of course it's easy for you, you're a freaking god!" I yelled at him. He arched an eyebrow again and pointed up at the sky. I looked up.

A stone was floating in midair, and it wasn't Chronos's.

I looked at the rock, then at him, then back at the rock and then again at him.

"H-How?" I said stuttering, "How did I do-"

"How did you do it?" He said. He smirked. "Well, you got angry that you couldn't do it and you made time stop around it."

He walked up to me and stared at me with his golden eyes, "What I'm trying to do is make you able to do it whenever you want."

I rolled my eyes, "Well that's not gonna happen any time soon is it?"

"Not with that attitude hon."

"I'm not your hon and you're not Aphrodite."

"You don't know that."

"I'm pretty sure I do."

"No, you don't."

"So you must be Aphrodito, the god of bi-"

"Okay, okay." Said Chronos stopping me. "You win this one." I grinned.

"Winning against a god." I said and threw a rock into the air, "I'm feeling powerful."

I snapped my fingers.

The rock froze in mid-air.

Chronos raised his eyebrows.

I smiled.

"To learn or not to learn, that is the question."


"So," I said as I kept practicing. "How come I can stop time around something?"

"Time is everywhere, that is the first thing you need to know before I keep explaining. Time is something to identify different periods of history, but its also something physical. It is all around you, and my job is to control it."

"Oh so you're like an alarm clock." I said.

Chronos glared at me and I grinned cheekily.

"I make sure time flows correctly, so if people travel to the past and change something, I have to change it back, but not on my own."

I leaned forward a bit from the rock I was sitting on to pay attention. "What do you mean, you're not the only one?"

He grinned. "That is a story for another day. The point is, what you are doing is what I do, control the flow of time, the physical form of it, and using it to your advantage."

I nodded, understanding his explanation when I suddenly remembered something.

"Why do they say I was possessed by Kronos? I mean, dad would have already thought of the fact that you were supposed to take care of me so you gave me some of your powers so that means its because of something else."

Chronos looked at me in curiosity. "I always thought you were a bit daft, like your brother. Apparently I was wrong."

I rolled my eyes. "So, tell me. Why?"

He stared (kind of glared) at me and when he realized I wasn't going to stand down he sighed, and sat down again.

"Well, this is about a threat Kronos made against you, that only Hera, Poseidon and I know." He said.

I leaned back in confusion. "Why would that make them thing I would be possesed by him? I mean, aren't they a bit more intelligent than that? They are gods, you know."

"I know." He said rolling his eyes. "He said he was going to posses you."

"Oh that makes more sense." I said. Then I thought of something he had told me before.

"Wait, didn't you say dad asked you to put me in a time bubble?" I said confused.

"Well," He said, leaning back. "I didn't put you in one."

I looked at him with a 'Are you cereal?' look and he rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't be the same age as your brother, you'd be younger."

I grabbed my chest. "Oh thank gods that's not true."

"He's still about five or ten minutes older than you."

"GODSDAMMIT." I yelled into the air. Chronos laughed. I glared at him and he lifted his arms up in defense.


I rolled my eyes and sat down on the grass. "Changing subjects, I have to somehow go back to camp without anyone killing me and explain what really happened to me!"

Chronos scratched his none-existent beard. Then he sat down, looked at me seriously and said, "Nope."

"What?" I said standing up. "I have to go back to camp! It's where I belong now!"

"I never said anything about not letting you go back, but you're not going back on your own." He said seriously.

"What?" I said again, confused.

Chronos sighed. "I'm going with you you mutton-head! Now pack up!"

I looked at him with a 'are you serious' look and he shrugged.

"Right, you didn't bring anything. What weapons do you have?"

"A magic comb that turns into a bow and a pen that turns into a quiver full of arrows until I am out of them, which then turns into a sword, and you." I said.

He glared at me and I smiled innocently. "What?"

He rolled his eyes. "Let's just go shall we?"

He started walking towards the way I came from when suddenly the sky rumbled. Clouds formed above us and I took my magic comb out of my hair and but a finger on the cap of my pen.

Suddenly two golden ropes like trails appeared and wrapped themselves on Chronos and started glowing brightly.

"Chronos!" I yelled and tried to slash at the golden mist with no avail.

Suddenly the clowds dissipated and the goldwn mist dissapeared with them, leaving Chronos on the ground.

"Chronos!" I yelled again. "Are you alright?"

Chronos slowly rose to his feet and looked at me. I gasped.

His eyes weren't glowing, mist wasn't moving around them aimlessly and they weren't golden.

His eyes were blue.

His eyes were normal.

He looked at his hands. "I don't have my power."

He touched his chest. "I'm not inmortal."

He looked at me with something that resembled terror.

"I'm not a god anymore."

Reyna Jackson, daughter of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now