chapter 3

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I found Artemis at her temple talking to a tree nymph."miss it is time for bed. You have to get up early to train."
"Yes sir." She replied sarcastically.
She bid the nymph good bye and went to her room. I stood outside her room before heading down to the kitchen to cook. I ate my dinner then went to my room to change before going to bed.
I woke up and grabbed my cloak, boots, and mask before going down stairs to make breakfast. As I put the eggs on the plate I heard a thud up stairs and ran to Artemis' room. I opened the door took one look then turned around."sorry miss, are you OK?"
"Yea I just rolled out of bed now get out so I can change." I could hear her get up and walk to her closet as I closed the door.
A few minutes later she was down stairs in a silver tank top and black yoga pants. "Your cooking still amazes me. All though I'm gonna have to learn one day." She put a piece of pancake in her mouth.
"We will see what weapon you are good with and what weapon you are bad with. Then we will run 5 miles before doing 100 sit ups, 50 pushups, and 25 pull ups." I said after she finished eating.
We walked to the weapons room and I made her stand in the middle while concentrating on the weapons. After a moment so opened her eyes and walked over to a bow. She picked it up grabbed an arrow from the quiver and shot a bullseye. I made her stand in the middle again but this time she was looking for a weapon the she felt less of a pull to.
She opened her eyes and walked over to a sword. She just stood there so I walked over to her and picked up a sword showing her how to hold it. I then made her stand in front of a dummy and had her practice swing at it. By time it was time to exercise she was more cut up then the dummy was. If I had been any other person I would have laughed but that wasn't the case instead I just shook my head and walked out to the track to start running. It wouldn't be fair if she did exercise and I just sat around.
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°artemis POV°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
As I was hacking at the dummy I couldn't stop thinking about how Perseus had walked into my room when I only had my bra and underwear.
When I was done Perseus didn't laugh at me for how bad I was he only shook his head. And to me that was worse because I've known him for seven years and all I really want is his approval. I know it might sound weird and I might act like I don't care but when your a young goddess and you have the best guardian to, well, guard you, you tend to want his approval. If he doesn't approve of someone I hang with I stop hanging with them if he thinks what I'm wearing isn't right I change.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Perseus calling my name.
"Artemis get moving you still have 5 laps."
Sometimes I wish my father hadn't given me the most strict guardian. Any time a guy looks at me in any other manner then professionally he threatens them. And any time I want a break he denies me and makes me do more exercise its not fair.
As I finish my exercises Perseus comes over with a bottle full of nectar and a plate of ambrosia. I thank him before going to sit down. I look at him as I eat and decide to give him a piece since he hasn't ate since this morning.
"No thank you." He pushes the square away.
"I'm your master and I order you to eat. If you starve your self how are you supposed to protect me?" I say the one thing I know will make him eat. He takes his job seriously and if you even think about him failing he gets upset and goes to do something to fix the problem. It's his fatal flaw, I'm his fatal flaw. I figured that out the fifth time someone asked how he expected to protect me when he was mute, stubborn, and attacked anyone who thought they were perfect for me. But he's not like that when its just us. At least not completely.
"You need the food more then me I'll go cook something." He walked off to the house and I picked up a bow to practice my speed.
"Where's your guardian little one?" A male voice said from behind me. Before I could turn around or scream he had his hand over my mouth and his other arm around my waist. He started dragging me backwards into the bushes. Once we were hidden he took his arm from around my waist and grabbed a gag from his pocket. He gagged me then tied to to a tree by my hands. He ran his hand over my face and down my neck. Before he could go farther Perseus was behind him with his sword to his neck. The god grabbed my throat before Perseus could do any thing.
"Get any closer and I'll break her neck." He tightened his grip and I started seeing black dots dancing in my vision.
"Good thing I'm close enough." As soon as he was done he swung his sword and cut the gods' head off. Then he came over to me to cut the rope and ungag me. As soon as I was free I fell in his arms crying.
"He will reform and when he does know that I will kill him each time." He rubbed soothing circles on my back before picking me up bridal style and carrying me home. As he laid me down I grabbed his arm wanting him to stay.
"I cannot miss, I must leave so you can rest I will be outside your door if you need me."
"Percy, please." I gave him my puppy dog eyes and he sighed.
"First a nickname and now begging, its not that I won't stay its that I can't. I have to be on guard and ready."
I nodded and he walked out.

the guardians of the gods(Percy Jackson)*on Hold*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें