chapter 5

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¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶percy pov¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶
When I arrived at the camp for demigods the Greeks and Romans were having another argument. The other guardians acted like demigods and went to their respective places.
Chiron the trainer of hero's came over to talk with me.
"Hello, and who are you?"
"My name is Perseus." Was all I said my face showing no emotion. Right then this crazy kid came up to me. He was scrawny and had blonde hair.
"Where is lupa?" He asked Chiron.
"Probably in the woods." While they were talking I walked towards the words looking for the she wolf. The farther in I got I could sense her presence.
"What do you want demigod?" A growl came from behind me.
"To train." After I said that she jumped into the air and attacked me. We wresteled for a bit before I had her pined down."never underestimate an opponent. "I got off her and she shifted.
" you are wise for a demigod of Neptune. But I since you are troubled. "
"Never let your guard down while around your enemy, and its Poseidon." I replied to her start. I could tell she was impressed.
"Follow me we have work to do." I nodded and followed her deeper into the woods. Soon we came into a clearing. On the other side of the clearing was the entrance to a cave.
"If you can beat all of my fighters then you can enter the wolf den but if you fail once you leave." I nodded my head and got ready as wolves started coming out of the trees and den.
••••••••after fighting for 4 hours•••••••••
As I pinned the last wolf down lupa came out and smiled in her wolf form."you may enter the den."I kept my face straight as I walked side by side with her into the den to continue my training. As we walked I could tell that all of the wolves in this pack were regular except for a handful. I kept getting stares, I was starting to get tired of it so I glared at them. They instantly looked down, the ones who dared to keep eye contact I nodded my respect to them. They weren't going to be pushed around.
"I have a month before I gave to go back to the camp and go on a quest." She nodded and stopped at the entrance of a traing room.
It was filled with obstacle courses, weapons, dummies, and exercise equipment."after three weeks of being locked in this room will you be allowed to come and meet the pack. I will decide at the end of those three weeks if you are worthy of my blessing." I nodded and stepped in the room before she shut the door and I heard the bolt lock.
As I was practicing shoting a bow while running through the obstacle course the door opened and lupa walked in. I finished the course and walked over to her.
"I've watched you these past few weeks and I think your worthy of my blessing. Now before you accept this gift know that you can shift into a wolf, you can run faster, see better, your sense of smell will be stronger, and depending on how people see you you could possibly be an alpha if you wanted a pack. Do you still except?"
She smiled before placing her hand on my forehead. After a minute she took her hand off and stepped back.
"Shift, my pup, lets see what you look like."
When she called me her pup I felt happy and managed a small smile to appear on my face before shifting. It pinched a little but other then that I felt no pain.
A few seconds later I was on all fours and had fur all over me. I walked over to the pool in the traing room and looked at my reflection.
I was raven black, the only color was the blue fur on one of my ears, If you weren't paying attention you'd think it was black, and my sea green eyes.
I was taller then most wolfs by a foot and a half. I turned to lupa to see her in her wolf form.'we can talk to each other. If you are in trouble this will come in handy. Now let's go meet the pack.
I followed her out and we made our way to a room where all of the pack was sitting. When they saw me they started rubbing up against me welcoming me to the pack. I found myself rubbing back. Once all they all rubbed up against me I felt the urge to go over to the back part of the room. What I saw made me mad. There were a few male wolfs picking on a female calling her a runt, an Omega, and they snapped their jaws at her. I walked up behind them before letting out a low growl.
Would you like to say that to me? When you threaten my pack you threaten me.
After I said that they put their tails between their legs, rolled over showing me their stomach and neck in submission.
Go, the next time this happens you will be punished.
They ran off and I got down on my stomach and started inching my way to the shewolf slowly making sure not to scare her.
What's your name little one?
That's a pretty name. Are you hurt?
Are you hugry?
Then come here I'll take you to go get something to eat.
OK she sounded excited. I let her climb on my back before walking over to lupa.
I'm taking her to eat
She's to young to go hunting.
She's old enough to watch and learn
Fine, but be careful.
Yes lupa
Good pup.
With that we walked out of the seen and I taught her how to track an animal and catch it. After a few hours we went back and the pack was getting ready to sleep.
I walked us over to the side of the big huddle and wrapped myself around Jessica. Soon I ft more small bodies and before I fell asleep I looked to see the pack pups snuggled against me.

the guardians of the gods(Percy Jackson)*on Hold*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora