chapter 13

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As we walked through a forest a sudden rush of fresh air hit me. It was so sweet I had to take a second to get my bearings before following the scent. We reached a cave and walked inside. I told the girls to wait out side as I entered the cave. The farther in I got, the more wild life and crystals there were. The air was also so crisp, it was like eating a square of ambrosia. Soon I came upon a satyr.
"M' Lord" I bow to the god.
" hello guardian " pan spoke, as a nymph feed him a grape.
" it's been so long since I've had visitors " he said looking at me.
" where is your guardian? " I ask, looking at him.
" he has died, used his last breath to bless me with happiness. " pan said sadly" stand young one, I have a question, a quest for you to do if you accept. "
"I accept, but I ask that the hunters of Artemis are given a place to stay." I stand.
" yes, yes, I need you to follow this stream," he points at a stream that comes from a branch in the cave" and I need you to purify it, for it has gone polluted and soon, it will kill what tries to drink from it."
I nod my head yes, and walk to the entrance, as I walk along, I see crystals popping up in groups ranging from deep blue, to green, to purple. As I walk I start hearing giggles, soon I come across the streams beginning, a pool that us feed through a small waterfall that comes from the top of the very tall cavern. As I look around I see neraids, nymphs of the water. I walk along the sandy ground until I'm in front of them.
"Hello m'ladys" I give a small bow, causing them to giggle again.
"Hello young man, to what do we owe the pleasure?" One of the older looking ones asked.
"I was sent to clean this stream of its pollution." I tell them.
"You insult us with your words going hero, this is the cleanest pool of water you can find, it is drunk upon by the god pan." Another one said.
"I mean no disrespect, he is who sent me." As I said this they looked shocked.
After they got over their shock they started nodding their heads yes. "Thank you." I start taking off my cloak, shirt, and shoes. As I stand in my pants, I look up to see all of the nymphs blushing. I chuckle and their faces get more purple. I jumped into the water and sat at the bottom, closing my eyes and concentrating.

the guardians of the gods(Percy Jackson)*on Hold*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon