chapter 16

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As I fell, I thought of arty, and how I must get out and survive for her. As I looked around, the tunnel opened up into a never ending cavern, red fog and acidic air filling my lungs. I looked down and a river of fire was beneath me. I will survive this, for artemis. With that I angled my body down, going into a diving position. Soon my body cut through the water, and I was surprised to feel coolness instead of warmth. As I surfaced, I swam to the banks, and as I dried off, I felt a powerful presence behind me. I turned and saw a nymph version of hestia, her ears pointed, and eyes almond shaped, while her eyes were a moving river of lava and her hair was fire. I bowed, keeping my eyes on the ground "my lady, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Rise young guardian, you need all the help to escape here alive and return to the upper world, but, even then, it might take centuries. My sister's and I have decided we would adopt you as our own while you are down here." She touched my forehead and I felt a warmth spread through my body. I smiled up at her and awaited the arrival of the other four nymphs.
--------------200 years--------------
I was training with Achilles as mother Styx watched over me, helping along with my physical training whilst mother Lethe, and mother Acheron helped with my mental and emotional training so that no being could get in my head, and mother Cocytus and mother Phlegthon kept me up to date on every piece of gossip there is to know about the world above and the advancements in both the mortal and immortal world, the hero's that raise and fall and the ones that take their place, they keep me well studied in every subject, and, if course, they give me updates on my love every day, so that I know she is safe while I train harder and harder to get back to her stronger than ever so that I may never leave her side again. I dislike the lie she had led everyone to believe about her pledge, but, soon, she will no longer have to worry. I was beyond pissed when mother Styx came to me 157 years into my time in the pit telling me Artemis has pledged eternal maidenhood. I calmed down once mother S, told me she had not accepted the pledge, although she had not made that common knowledge, for it would lead to questions we could not afford if we wished for my return soon. "Lift your sword perseus, your left hip is left exposed and so is your neck, a very deadly wound waiting to happen." Achilles called out to me.
I shake my head to clear my thoughts, " sorry, was thinking." I reply, fixing my stance. He just sighed and lowered his sword. " I think trainings done with for now." mother Styx said calmly as she walked up to us. " Perseus, we must talk." I didn't like the way she looked at me as she said that, it made my gut clench in fear.
"We have decided that you shall go into a slumber at the heart of our powers so that when the world needs you, you will still be ready, but, so that you may focus more clearly. In this dream state, you will mentally be doing everything we do here, a portion of each of us will be with you, but all you will know is training and becoming stronger and smarter, we will still keep you informed, but, it's best this way my son, for the world will not need you anytime soon, and you will train faster without her distracting your thoughts. we are sorry son." she watches my face closely as she explains this to me. I just close my eyes for a minute before nodding my head, it's for the best of everyone. it will save her in the end, should the end decides to show itself after I awake. Sleeping on their source of power will add into mine, making me infinitely stronger. As I come out of my thoughts I realise the rest of my mother's have appeared and they surround me, holding hands chanting. I look down and see that we are floating over a hole, inside I can see the beginning of the rivers, seemingly flowing from out of no where, as I start lowering into the middle I them all, I look up one last time to see them looking down upon me with pride and saddness. that was the last I saw before it turned dark and i was cocooned in warmth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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