Waiting for a Response

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So I went back to my room to have the moment I have been anticipating my whole life... More like 2 days. But anyways, I run upstairs to go on my phone and check my instantgramaphone to see if Jake replied to any of my comments but sure enough, I trip on the stairs and fall on my face! I just feel my blood pumping and I start to sweat. I'm freaking out right now and all I can think of is: I HOPE I DIDN'T JUST MESS UP MY MAKE UP. I pick myself up and run to the mirror, terrified of how bad my make up will look and then I see myself and realize that I don't have any make up on! Hahahahah! I freaked myself out for nothing!

I head to my room now because I have to get back to my mission. I go on my phone and click on the instantgramaphone app. I click on Jake's profile (Jakeybakeytakeylakey101) and there it is. Right in my face. "BLOCKED." I can't believe it! Jake blocked my account. All I wanted was to become friends and it's not like I did anything wrong! All I did was comment on every single one of his pictures. I can feel the tears well up in my eyes and I head straight to my happy place, The Bathroom. I sit on the toilet for a good half an hour and just think about everything that has happened to me.

I decide that I need to stop crying and get myself together. I need to make a new plan in order to make Jake from the state of farms my bae. So I go downstairs to find a healthy snack to help me think. I grab the mushroom and tutty flavored chips from my cabinet and start munching on this delicious snack. And then my dreaded mother sees me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Always eating those nasty chips! DESGUSTING! Chi cho chi cho."
"MOM, I only eat them twice a day! And besides, they help me think."
"HEH? Help you think? Just shut up."

And then she slapped me like TA TA TA.

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